Monday, April 22, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Remember "Mr. stable genius" Trump saying, over and over again, that he has the best memory, that he never forgets a single thing? Sigh, just another lie? A stroke? Just the general insanity? Syphilis? The dementia? All of the above?

Of course, Trump is lying. Not that I'd discount the other possibilities. In the answers to his Mueller Report take home test, he's borrowing another page from Nixon book of legal loopholes for assholes. "You can always say you don't recall." He didn't even bother answering some of the questions at all. His well of arrogance and contempt for the U.S. legal system and the U.S. people is bottomless. No wonder he was attracted to politics.

Liars lie. It's not that Trump's lying is news, it's that this is yet another example and maybe a new record for Trump lying in a single "episode" of his sicko life. As the meme says, Trump used the "can't recall" lie 36 times. Previously, in his Trump University fraud case, it was only 35 times. His pathological lying is so intense that he even pays lowlifes like Sarah Huckabee Sanders to lie for him when he's just too plain worn out from doing it himself. Call them Trump's Club Of Auxiliary Liars.

Of course, lying isn't new to Washington, It's just that Trump sees it as a competition and feels he has to be the best at something and that's what comes naturally to him. Trump probably even has a magazine cover and a trophy that proclaims him the World Champion Liar proudly on display at his Mar-a-Lago whore house; and, unlike usually, they don't even have to be fake. When Trump is gone, they're going to have to retire the trophy or just name it The Trump Cup and bury him caressing it, with that goofy smile of his on his chalky face. They can use the magazine to spank his dead ass and light his funeral pyre with it to send him on his way down to Hell.

There's a big question here in all of this and the answer is no. The question is: Is any person with a memory this demonstrably compromised fit to be president? You don't even have to consider all of the other things we know about this cretin to answer that one.

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At 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the "don't remember" thing is a time-tested dodge. Nearly impossible to prove the lie of "I don't recall" because it would require clairvoyance, video or contradictory testimony.
Most decent attorneys would make sure their client was disciplined enough not to contradict himself.

It is especially difficult to prove it a lie from someone as stupid, impulsive and ADD as trump.

GHWB used it to avoid accountability for treason in Iran/Contra.

If it works for a bush, it'll work for any Nazi.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gennaro Angiulo, longtime Mafia boss of Boston instructed his son Jason to always say, "I can't [don't] recall," never, "I don't remember," while testifying before a grand jury. By this hair-splitting underworld casuistry, the latter too strongly implies that he once knew something but now has forgotten while the former makes no such admission.

The similarity between this president and run-of-the-mill career criminals never ceases to impress.

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's not a similarity. he *IS* a career criminal. just ask any of the unions and subs he's stiffed over the past 50 years.


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