Saturday, March 16, 2019

Trump Gives Bernie A Present-- His New Anti-Family Budget


Writing for Fox New, Tom Del Beccaro, noted what Democratic journalists seem to be glossing over: "Joe Biden has always been a better prospective candidate than an actual candidate. He will gaffe himself to the finish lines." Del Beccaro wrote that Bernie will be the Democratic nominee. Acknowledging that the hopelessly corrupt, hopelessly conservative Democratic establishment "will side with almost anyone over Sanders, he thinks that "in the end that could well be to Sanders’ benefit in this Anti-establishment, divided era." He lays out 5 reasons why he thinks Bernie will win and anti-establishment sentiment ranks first on his list: "Sanders' supporters remember how he was unfairly denied the nomination in 2016. Of all the Democrats running right now, it is likely that Sanders has the most supporters and the largest number of committed voters. If you add all of that up, there is little to no doubt that Sanders-- who lost Iowa in 2016 to Hillary by a margin of 49.84 percent to 49.59 percent-- will finish in the top two in Iowa. He could well win. Sanders won New Hampshire in 2016 and-- in a crowded field-- he is more than likely to win it again in 2020. That will make him a front runner if not the front runner after the first two primaries."

Did you watch the video up top. Del Beccaro might as well be reviewing it: "Voters want answers and they like politicians who have clarity. You can argue that Sanders’ message and programs would be very bad for America-- but he is clear and focused. New candidates have to sort out their messages.

Goal ThermometerMeanwhile, Bernie couldn't have asked for a better foil than the one Trump provided him with by releasing his new budget-- which Bernie termed "a budget for corporate CEOs, who already make over 300 times what their workers make, this is a budget for Wall Street, this is a budget for the billionaire class. This is a budget that must and will be defeated. We need a budget that works for Americans, not just Donald Trump and the 1 percent." The Act Blue thermometer on the right is where you can contribute to Bernie's campaign. Obviously whatever you feel comfortable giving will be accepted with thanks. One suggestion would be a donation of $20.20, an acknowledgment that next year is a crucial, even existential, crossroads for our country.

In the new video below, Tim Black laughs in the faces of the pathetic establishment Democrats and the corporate media which keep shrilly insisting that Bernie and his populist policy agenda aren't popular with African-American voters.

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At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Bernie wins the nomination, I will support him. But I'm still not pleased that he caved at the Coronation.

The new issue is whether the democraps will fall in behind him should he win. With all of the continuing Bernie Bro butt hurt still going on despite all of the evidence that Hillary essentially threw the election to Trump, this isn't assured. It would be foolish of the democraps to not back Bernie should he win, for the nation will turn right back to the GOP.

I see 2020 as being the last chance to save the nation, and that isn't a certain outcome. Too many corporatists are in office and their allegiance is NOT to the American people.

At 6:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when the collapse is finished, I believe that honest historians will derive that our last chance was 2008 when we elected obamanation and all those democraps to save the nation.

obamanation and the democraps chose to pocket the money and hasten the collapse instead.

Our response every time our left betrays us is to keep voting for the same people who betray. That guarantees that nothing ever changes and that the final collapse shall happen.

Bernie sounds better. But he cannot make 269 (51 in the senate and 218 in the house) do the right thing when they all take bribes to NEVER do the right thing. And I have serious doubts that Bernie would even try.

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

trump's handlers definitely put out this budget, desirous of killing 50 million poor and elderly americans, because he knows the DNC won't allow Bernie anywhere near the nom. They know the rest of the 'crap slate AND the PARTY either has a record of sympathy to this or is too much a coward to challenge him on it.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They also know that trump only has to reiterate his lies to give everyone marvelous health care and to never cut SSI, as he said many times during his campaign, and his idiot base will believe him just as they believe all their clergy when they promise the rapture.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Procopius said...

Wait... PRRI shared polling data with you? Isn't that a crime? /irony


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