Thursday, December 27, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

#4 in the series: The Loser President.

I've been thinking of the second verse of Simon & Garfunkel's Fakin' It lately. Having seen so many complete bozos in suits in my years in the corporate world, the song often came to mind. I couldn't see them walking through the corridors without imagining them singing the song to themselves. Of course, they never actually were. Their egos and insecurities overwhelmed their chances of attaining or even wanting any true self-awareness.

The song as a whole isn't a perfect match for Trump but it's very, very close. It's the second verse that really brings the song home, no matter who is singing it, and it's the second verse (below) that just seems to apply these days.
I'm such a dubious soul,
And a walk in the garden
Wears me down.
Tangled in the fallen vines,
Pickin' up the punch lines,
I've just been fakin' it,
Not really makin' it.

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At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with your meme, Noah. There are at least 63 million low-IQ voters who put their foolish bets on that fool.

At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Hone said...

Yes. Those freaking deplorables: Ignorant, mean, lacking the slightest bit of insight, unable to think critically and dangerous as hell.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reviewing the recent posts here, I figure this is the best place to put this.

For some reason, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance popped into my head as I was waking up this morning. I was reading the movie synopsys to refresh the details when it occurred to me that the nation has a real-life Liberty Valance running rampant over everything he doesn't like and which challenges his "authority". We don't have a Ransom Stoddard to stand up to him, nor a Tom Doniphon to watch his back.

I doubt someone is going to make a movie about how Libertine Bone Spurs converted Saint Ronnie's "Shining City On The Hill" into a cowtown like Shinbone, whose only destiny is to become a place to snag tumbleweeds blown into town by the cold winds of change.

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Richard Langly said...

6:45, I think the meme refers to the fact that there are now some voices, particularly ex-members of Trump's own cabinet and the media world who are calling him an idiot instead of only stating that they disagree. I don't think it's about the 62 million. Noah has never displayed any hope for them. It could also be Noah's love of irony, or both too.

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I respect your opinion, Richard Langly, but the 62 million can never atone for the harm they have done to the world by unleashing the Trumpenstein Monster upon the world. That some insiders have seen the light and turned on Trump does not absolve them.

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

most of the 62 million voted AGAINST the bankers' whore (and for hate).

They don't care what he does nor how stupid he is. All that matters to them is that he shares their hates and is not a democrap. And, yeah, they're all a lost cause.

But it is useful to remember that there are as many as 150 million eligible voters that are NOT those Nazis. Yet only 65 million show up to vote against the moron Nazi demi-fuhrer.

One might wonder why 150 million cannot seem to muster a numerical permanent electoral margin against pure evil.

I don't wonder. The only other party that all the sheepdogs and political memes can ponder is just as bad, so as many or more never vote as do show up to vote against the Nazis.

one might wonder why good people accept this mirage of democracy kept in place by the charade of elections.

One might conclude that there ARE NO good people. Maybe we're just all too fucking stupid to be good.

At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Richard Langly said...

10:35, I didn't say anything in defense of the 62 million or whether they can atone for what they've done. I only said that I didn't think the meme was about them and said why. I also didn't say anything about absolving them or those who may have now seen the light.. They don't deserve it. None of them. They all done too much damage.

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We warned them loudly before they locked in their votes for Trump. They chose to not listen. I absolve them of nothing.

At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The damning fact is that those few who now call him an idiot worked willingly and eagerly for him in their quest to kill people they hate and make the rich richer.

They're still part of the 62m devoted. They just admit that the demi-fuhrer is an idiot.

all things being equal, they'd all love to have the idiot for 4 more years of killing and enriching and ratfucking and all that. He is, after all, a 'useful idiot'.


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