Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

A cornered rat, sniveling and squealing like they do. A cornered rat with an overgrown malignant sense of entitlement to whatever he wants. A cornered rat who has gotten away with being just what he is, a rat, all of his life. That cornered rat has hit a wall. Will he escape? They usually do, but if we the people let him, then shame on us.

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At 6:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing that occurred to me watching kkkavanaugh's "performance" (lying, crying, whiny-little-bitching...) was that the characterization of his immaturity, entitlement and misogyny during HS was probably Undersold and that he has never grown up.

I know the type well. trump is their patron saint.

Watching trump's whiny-little-bitch performance at his rally yesterday... proves that his entire base is the same. Watching women laugh and cheer... despicable.

I just read an article titled "What have we become". Exactly.

We're worse than I imagined we could ever be since I observed voters having no clue back in 1982 and ever since. I thought our worst ever performance as voters was Nixon... then Reagan... but we've outdone our worst-ever performance every cycle since.

DWT... still no epiphany?

And this cluster fuck of a shithole is what we got. We truly deserve this... and the worse that shall happen next... and next... and...

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Mary and Phil said...

This is who we are, if we accept it. Me, I don't and never, ever will. Push back! Fight back!


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