Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Duncan Hunter Went Right For The Obvious Racist Smear-- The DCCC Is Far More Subtle About It


In its fulsome endorsement of Ammar Campa-Najjar last week, the San Diego Union Tribune emphasized the contrast between him and the indicted (60 counts) incumbent Drunken Hunter. They pointed out that Ammar "meets the test of being a credible candidate" and that "he is far superior to the troubled incumbent. This fact is underlined by the despicable ad that Hunter has begun to air in recent days suggesting that his “Palestinian Mexican millennial” opponent was linked to terrorist groups and was 'working to infiltrate Congress.'" One of Ammar's grandfathers was a Muslim terrorist. He died 16 years before Ammar, a Christian, was born. When Ammar worked at the White House, he was "given a security clearance by the Secret Service after a thorough background check." The Union Tribune concluded their endorsement by noting that "With this smear, Hunter continues to demolish his own reputation." Here's the repulsive, bigoted ad that has been berated everywhere:

Goal ThermometerAmmar is trying to infiltrate Congress? President Obama endorsed him yesterday. As the Washington Post noted yesterday "Campa-Najjar said in an interview that he never knew his grandfather, who died 16 years before Campa-Najjar was born. He condemned the Munich attacks. 'I denounce those actions,' he said."

He was in a 7-person top 2 primary and beat the other 2 Democrats handily. He took 25,799 votes compared to the ex-Republican the DCCC was pushing, Josh Butner, who got 18,944. The Islamophobic ad strongly insinuates Ammar is Muslim, which he isn't. He's a practicing Catholic. You can help that all-American Catholic guy "infiltrate Congress" by clicking on the 2018 Blue America congressional thermometer on the right.

The funny thing is that Drunken Hunter would never be able to get the kind of security clearance from the Secret Service that Ammar got. Hunter is charged with defrauding the Wounded Warriors, using money that was supposed to go to them for luxury items for himself. He'll do or so anything to get the voters' focus off that and off the fact that Ryan kicked him off theHouse Armed Services Committee because of the seriousness of the 43-page indictment. This creep is going to prison and wants to be able to use his congressional seat as a bargaining chip to get his sentence reduced. So who's actually trying to infiltrate Congress?

So what did I mean about the DCCC being more subtle? I was told by a very reliable source inside the DCCC that the reason they haven't put Ammar on their Red-to-Blue List, despite all the endorsements from members of Congress and even from Obama-- and the reason why they refuse to defend him from Drunken Hunter's vicious, vile attack ad-- is because there's a racist piggy with the power to block it. Think about that next time they ask for a contribution. (And, of course, as soon as I get a confirmation of his name, I'll blurt it right out.)

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