Monday, August 20, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah
Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Previously, although my contempt for such people has been more than clear, I have refrained from using the 's' word when it came to Trump's brainwashed minions. I have refrained from calling Trump supporters stupid, but there comes a point where you just have to say enough is enough. Those who call for civility in discourse on the subject of Trump with his supporters and apologists are just inviting for more if not begging for more manifestations of stupidity and the disaster that tolerance and enabling of Trump will inevitably bring. The sign in today's meme is a sign of the times if there ever was one. To not call out this sign for what it reflects is asking for an escalation of more of the same and worse.

I've encountered enough Trumpies to know that Trump supporters don't make their claims and embrace the meanings of their statements because they are trying to be outrageous, mean-spirited, or bigoted. They make their statements because they actually believe them to be true. That they often can't form coherent sentences to express their mental chaos is a symptom of how they got to the sad little worlds they live in. Hence, the sign.

I've had this meme on file for some time. It sat in computer storage until Friday morning when a friend sent it it to me along with the quote from Martin Luther King Jr's 1963 "Strength To Love" book. The quote was the missing piece that I needed to use the meme as a Midnight Meme Of The Day. It's not only perfect for the times but it demonstrates what a prophet MLK was. The fact that I'm using the quote of an African-American to describe Trump supporters is a little extra side bonus in that it will irritate them all the more. King, himself said he didn't consider himself "inextricably bound to either party" but he made his feelings about the Republican Party's 1964 racist "Goldwater" convention very clear. He minced no words. Also, he grew up in the hood-wearing Dixiecrat south before they took Nixon's invitation and joined up with today's Republican Party, so, there was no love there either. By the time King was murdered, both parties were in the process of choosing their futures. Trump was inevitable.
Better to be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune.
- Plato

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At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Previously, although my contempt for such people has been more than clear..."

I'm actually surprised that Anthony wasn't floored by this whopper.

Noah claims to have contempt for these morons, but he also relies on them to elect democraps again and still.

Trump supporters are not the only ones demonstrably unable to spike an EEG.

Noah exhorts dumbfucktards to hold their nose and keep electing democraps even after what happened between 2006-2010; after what the DNC did to Bernie; after what the DNC did to lose the presidency and both chambers in '16; after Pelosi AGAIN forswore impeaching a proven criminal (including treason) in the WH...

Anyone who is truly sincere about affecting progressive change cannot reasonably also advocate electing the party that refuses to affect progressive change.

IF you accept the biblical dogma that "by their fruits shall ye know them", one MUST conclude that this author CANNOT be sincere about desiring progressive change.


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