Food Watch: Latest sign that civilization is drawing (has drawn?) to a close: SpaghettiOs-topped pizza

"A gourmet meal" -- yum!
by Ken
Yeah, yeah, you're not supposed to knock it if you haven't tried it. But I'm here to tell you that I have no intention of trying pizza topped with SpaghettiOs.
Sometimes you have to wonder what people think pizza is about.
On the one hand there are the micro-thin pizza fetishists, who don't seem to grasp that we're talking about a form of bread here, and that the crust is an integral part of the package. (I always think they would do better to spread some sauce on their arm and stick it in a wicked-hot pizza oven for a really thin crust.) Of course bad pizza crust is no treat, but the solution to this problem, surely, is good, not disappeared, pizza crust.
Then at the other end of the "gourmet spectrum," I've been astonished to discover on highly occasional visits to a certain theme park I won't name that the combo of pizza and fries is a thing. Is it really necessary to explain what's wrong with the basic concept?
Here's Thrillist's Perry Santanachote:
There is no shame in eating SpaghettiOs as an adult, especially as a pizza topping. It’s just like pizza sauce... with texture. And it’s still just as exciting when you find three different-sized O’s neatly nestled within each other.If you can control your excitement long enough to hit the link (here it is again), I'm here to tell you that onsite there's actually a recipe for "SpaghettiOs Pizza," for which all you need is 12 ounces of pizza dough, AP flour for dusting, olive oil, a 15-ounce can of Original SpahettiOs (remember, you're going to use it with real sausage instead of using the meat-ball version of SpaghettiOs), fennel seeds, shredded mozzarella, Italian sausage, a pizza stone, and a pizza peel.
While you could use SpaghettiOs with Meatballs, the sweet tomato sauce actually pairs much better with the spicy kick you get from subbing in fresh Italian sausage. Add shredded mozzarella, and you basically have a gourmet meal.
Look, it's not that there's any "shame" involved in adults eating SpaghettiOs. And if the idea of the SpahettiOs Pizza tickles you, by all means make it, and enjoy. But do we have to pretend that you're going to wind up with "basically a gourmet meal"?
Labels: Food Watch
I'd suggest that civilization began to draw to a close upon the introduction of SpaghettiO's in 1965 not upon its appearance on pizza decades later.
So, the fall of civilization was not the fault of "the filthy hippies" at all, as routinely ascribed, but rather that of the folks of utterly wholesome Campbell Soup Co.
Note, in Italy one can find pizzas topped with french fires and hot dog discs (See SpaghettiOs Sliced Franks, in article linked below.)
In these instances, there are usually (many) more 2-liter bottles of Coke in evidence than bottles of wine. I think this trend started well after the "invention" (infliction) of SpaghettiOs and was hastened, if not directly caused by, that abomination and others of similar ilk.
John Puma
Spaghetti O's:
SpaghettiOs is, I blush to admit, a guilty pleasure of mine.
I know they're awful. I know they're full of sugar and salt. I know the GMO-wheat pasta is overcooked to the point of gelatinization. I know the sauce is barely tomato-esque. I don't care.
Sneer if you want, you snobbish food polizei. Bark your dreary warnings of obesity and diabetes. You want to live forever? You won't.
I haven't had SpaghettiOs in a long time, but if I had a can right now, I'd scarf it down. Chew on that!
Pizza only comes from Chicago, and no Spaghetti-O would EVER blaspheme Deep Dish or Thin Crust there. What the wannabees do with their inferior imitations is their business.
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