Wednesday, August 08, 2012

"This mystery gay man" -- the last gay Chick-fil-A customer -- "owes his entire gay identity to Chick-fil-A" (courtesy of Casual Mafia)


Plus: A slick cartoon while we await some Good Christian outrage over the Sikh temple shooting (including CARTOON UPDATES)

"I just feel that Chick-fil-A is just part of my gay identity. I was actually at a Chick-fil-A, eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich, when I realized that I was gay."

by Ken

I couldn't resist sharing this Casual Mafia video, which answers the question: Exactly how many chicken sandwiches does one have to eat in order to be turned gay? Okay, maybe the video doesn't exactly answer the question, but it sure as shit asks it, which is pretty unexpected, wouldn't you say? The gay Chick-fil-A customer is Justin Martindale; the, um, deeply confused interviewer is Josh Macuga.

"I just want to say, thanks, Chick-fil-A, for letting me realize what I can be -- gayer than I ever intended to be, and, uh, every time I eat a chicken sandwich [takes bite and groans with pleasure] it just makes me want to do all of the gayest stuff I could ever think of. Like, all of it."


CARTOON UPDATE(S): (1) I should have mentioned that you can click to (splendidly) enlarge the cartoon. (2) More important, I should have identified the cartoonist, who's new to me. He's Chris Britt, of the (Illinois) State Journal-Register.

As I pointed out on Monday, we know how important "freedom of religion" is to those Christian blowhards. Why, when the creepy little voices they hear echoing in the empty hollows of their heads tell them that Christianity is under attack, that's just the importantest thing in the world, unless you count denouncing the dastardly War on Christmas (which exists in those same empty heads and nowhere else).

I know some people are saying that Christianity in America has been reduced to a cult of sociopathic fascist doodybrains. (Not, by the way, that an outrage like what happened in Oak Creek would be a whit more acceptable if the targets had been Muslims, but the grim fact remains that American Christian haters are so screechingly stupid, they don't know that Sikhs aren't Muslims.) However, I can feel in my bones that we're going to hear some red-hot Christian outrage over the violent disruption and murder of innocent Sikh worshippers . . . um, any week now.

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At 7:25 PM, Anonymous me said...

" I was actually at a Chick-fil-A, eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich, when I realized that I was gay."

Sounds like cause and effect to me. So homophobia actually causes homosexuality! Wow, who knew?

Now we have an explanation for the huge number of closet cases in the republican party.

At 7:32 PM, Anonymous me said...

Christianity in America has been reduced to a cult of sociopathic fascist doodybrains

From the days of the puritans, it has always been that way.


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