Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Joe Schwarz Running Against Walberg... But As A Fake "Democrat" This Time?


Republicans Joe Scwarz & John McCain, Steve Israel's kind of guys

Just over a month ago we warned that the Inside-the-Beltway Democratic congressional elite-- no less a part of Washington's toxic Conservative Consensus than the Inside-the-Beltway Republican elite-- was in the process of recruiting another GOP retread to run as a "Democratic" for a Michigan House seat. Last night-- just before Pennsylvania Democrats were getting ready to line up to deal the corrupt party Machine a severe blow by taking out one of their most despicable cronies, Tim Holden, Schwarz almost announced he is now some kind of a Democrat. Schwarz addressed the Eaton County Democratic Party at the Charlotte Library. The 74 year old Schwarz, hoping to build excitement, said he'll make a formal announcement later in the week.

The DCCC chair, "ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel, is behind the bizarre recruitment and Schwarz isn't the only Republican trying to pass himself off as a Democrat this cycle. Wealthy rich kid Patrick Murphy is a lifelong Republican who has contributed campaign funds to Mitt Romney. But now he's saying whatever it takes to sound like a Democrat. The DCCC endorsed him today. The last time this part of Florida was treated to this kind of a spectacle it was when Rahm Emanuel-- Israel's mentor-- passed off Republican Tim Mahoney as a Democrat. The DCCC managed to get Mahoney into Congress, where he proceeded to vote with the GOP on everything important, get into a sex scandal and then lose the seat to a wingnut. So what's Israel thinking? That was fun, let's do it again?

As Eclectablog said Sunday, "It’s a sad statement about the state of the Michigan Democratic Party that they have sunk to recruiting Republicans to run on their behalf. There are probably zero important votes that Schwartz would vote differently than Walberg so I can’t think of a single reason to support him... this will make us the laughing stock of the entire country."

The actual Democratic candidate in the district is Kurt Haskell, a pro-union attorney from Pinconning, who plans to beat the DCCC shill in a Democratic primary. Now watch Steny Hoyer and Steve Israel and their band of cutthroats move into action to try to "clear the field" for the Republican.

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