The Far Right Makes Its Case Against Willard

Whether they call themselves teabaggers, Know Nothings, Nazis or fascists, right-wing populists have historically had an uneasy alliance with the one percenters who finance-- even own-- their political parties. Long ago the Republican Party Establishment decided it was Mitt's turn and that he would be the nominee, even if it meant another McCain-like rout. Whether you buy into the theory that Rove has disposed of one Tea Party fave after another-- the pathetic Not-Romney menagerie the right put up-- you have watched the inevitable unfolding before your eyes.
Wednesday the big extreme right-wing website Red State unloaded on the Establishment's candidate. "His only contribution to the party," wrote Daniel Horowitz, "has been his five-year interminable presidential campaign, despite his insistence that he never intended to run for office again after 2008." He tries to make the case that Romneycare is the same as the hated Obamacare.
Politically speaking, if Romney were to be the nominee, how can he assure us that he will be able to effectively use Obamacare-- our biggest political weapon-- to our advantage? Even if we concede that there are some differences between Romneycare and Obamacare, are they evident enough for him to feel comfortable while attacking Obamacare?
The bottom line is that we all know he will avoid Obamacare like the plague in the general election, thereby disarming Republicans of their most potent political weapon.
Romney’s primary vice is that he fundamentally has no conservative principles. While most of the other candidates have significant and diverse flaws-- both personal and ideological-- they have fought for conservatism on some level and at some point in their career. The highest honor in the Republican Party-- the presidential nomination-- should be bequeathed to an individual who has fought in the trenches for the ideals of the party. Romney, unlike any other candidate, has produced absolutely nothing for conservatives. Romney merely served for four years as a liberal governor, while promoting policies that are antithetical to our beliefs-- with no counterbalance of conservative achievements to ameliorate his abysmal conservative record.... Has our swift growth as a movement over the past few years been only to nominate someone like this for the highest honor of our party?
Then there are the normal people, people who vote in general elections, not in Republican Party primaries, where even Mussolini might be considered too moderate these days and where candidates are supposed to name their children after characters in romance novels by Ayn Rand, not after celestial Latter Day spirit- world figures. I don't know if Tagg is a Mayan name, but part of Mormon dogma-- and Mitt is a Mormon bishop-- says that when Jesus, who came to earth as a spirit god from a distant planet, was crucified, he went to America and that the Mayan feathered serpent deity Quetzalcoatl is (wait for it) Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. This guy:

Anyway, about those normal voters who don't vote in GOP caucuses or worship ancient feathered serpents named Quetzalcoatl whom they call Jesus-- the Bain narrative that's coming more and more into the fore won't be an issue in the primary but sure will be in the general.
Rudy Johnson, a labor organizer who was laid off in 1992 by Ampad, a company run by Bain Capital under Mitt Romney, took to the press this week to condemn Romney’s business record. In an interview with ABC News, Johnson recounted the horror of downsizing at his Marion, Indiana factory.
“It was really one of the worst things I think I’ve had to deal with, because people … were at my desk crying, ‘What do I do? I don’t have a good college education… I just wanted to get to retirement,’” Johnson said. “Families were devastated. In some cases, the husband and the wife both worked there. They lost all their income. It doesn’t get much worse than that.”
Meanwhile Willard-- and no one is suggesting he was referring to Quetzalcoatl-- was touring Iowa Wednesday when he declared that "we’re not going to kill Big Bird... but Big Bird is going to have to have advertisements." Weird, especially from the only Republican who is refusing to make his very suspect tax returns public, which would prove once and for all that he's an agent of Chinese expansion and that he's used every trick in the book to make sure his tax rate is far lower than normal Americans'.
Labels: Mitt Romney, Mormons, Quetzalcoatl
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