Thursday, December 08, 2011

Could Anyone Believe A Mitt Romney Ad Claiming He's A Man Of Steadiness And Constancy?


A man of wealth and fame, certainly... but steadiness and constancy? In a year where the very worst thing to be is a safe, dull, garden variety, Establishment politician, the quintessential safe, dull, garden variety, Establishment politician is watching his carefully planned out run for the Republican presidential nomination sinking beneath the waves of a candidate who just decided to run so he could sell more books and get better speaking fees. You almost have to feel sorry for the rejected and unloved Mitt Romney with the perfect hair. The Republican Establishment has rallied around him-- from laughable loser John McCain and empty gray flannel suit John Thune to "evil genius" Karl Rove, as well as a big ole bevy of 55 congressional zombies-- but in a year like this, that could be as big a negative as it is a positive. And Romney knows it; his hopes in Iowa, never strong, have all but disintegrated. The latest anybody-but-Romney, disgraced and pompous former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is cleaning his clock. And it doesn't look like Rove will have any silver bullets to knock him out of the race, the way he was able to take care of Bachmann, Perry and Cain.

So mild-mannered Mitt, has declared he will come down off his perch and fight back... soon. Romney told Fox News viewers, (who hate Obama but are very wary of him) that he's going to stand up for himself:
"We're going to make sure that the differences in our experience and perspective are well-aired. You can be sure I will not be quiet, I am going to make sure my message is heard loud and clear. Gingrich is a friend, I respect him, but we have very different life experiences. If Americans want someone whose [sic] been in Washington the last 40 years, then that's him but if they want someone whose outside of Washington and a freedom-based society ... that kind of experience is I think what it takes. America needs a leader, not so much an insider, but a leader to get America going again."

You go, girl! He also released that bland ad up top that emphasizes he's had the same wife for 42 years and in the same religious cult for his whole life. That's meant to contrast with Newt Gingrich, a serial adulterer with who knows how many wives and affairs and who went from being a Southern Baptist to a Roman Catholic. But is Romney's unsubstantiatable claims to have been faithful to his wife a real counterbalance to the most flip-floppin'est career in the history of contemporary politics?

In Iowa the battle isn't for first place any longer; Newt's got that wrapped up. The only drama is if Romney can edge out Ron Paul for second place. Romney doesn't seem to have picked up any of the Hermanator supporters; they all went to Newt, Ron Paul and the fringe candidates like Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann. Even Santorum got a few. The brand new, newest of all and shiniest Time/CNN poll shows Gingrich ahead in Iowa with 33 points. Mitt trails with 20. In New Hampshire Romney has managed to cling to a slowly evaporating lead-- 35-26% and in South Carolina and Florida, the southern Republicans are all thumbs down for Romney-- Newt's up 43-20 in South Carolina and 48-25 in Florida. And the new national polling bodes very ill for Romney as well. The Economist poll gives Gingrich 31% with Romney struggling (15%) to stay ahead of Ron Paul (11%). All the other clowns are in single digits, Bachmann at 5%.

Yesterday Romney sat down with the editors of the Washington Examiner, a fringy right-wing newspaper. They got the ball rolling by asking him why "Not Romney" has been consistently kicking his ass in all polling. "I don't know the answer," he replied, "in part because I am not a political scientist, a pundit who evaluates why people move in one direction or another. I am a conservative business guy with a message to the American people that I think is compelling."

Remember, when Romney says people, he means not just the wealthy people in his country club and the Mormons he's bishop to, but also "corporations." He wasn't joking when he claimed corporations are people. The Examiner guys tried to get behind Romney's careful determination not to reveal the substance of any of his plans or claims about anything specific. It was useless. "You want to know precisely what the plan looks like and I have not laid out that plan," he laughed (like a drooling idiot, hoping to continue scamming actual American people for the sake of corporate "people").
BYRON YORK: Governor, on health care, you've often said that the health care plan that you've created in Massachusetts would be a good model for some other states. You said, “Maybe not every state, but most.”

ROMNEY: I don't think I said “most,” but...

YORK: On Meet the Press in 2007.

ROMNEY: Oh did I? Did I make that exaggeration? [Laughs].

Ha, ha, ha; ho, ho, ho... They read him bits and pieces of the bill, what he and the rest of the Republicans claim they will repeal, and it's clear he's never read it and doesn't know anything more about it than your average dittohead who gets all his twisted news right from the mouths of Hate Talk Radio hosts and Fox "News" broadcasters. He tells the reporters to talk to his lawyer if he wants to know what he's going to do about healthcare.

He shucked and jived his way through the whole interview... just like he hopes to shuck and jive his way through the primary, the campaign and a presidency. You think Obama's bad? Pay attention to Romney. Oh, and by the way... this is a pretty good new Huntsman ad that will probably help Gingrich win the GOP nomination (and Obama the presidency):

Although, that was nothing compared to what Krugman had to say about what a revolting slimeball Romney is:
President Obama has tried-- desperately, and far beyond the point at which it made any kind of sense-- to reach out across the partisan divide. He has bent over backwards to be nice to bankers. He has clearly been uncomfortable with any kind of populist rhetoric, although that may finally be changing. And his reward for all that is that Mitt Romney describes him as a full-on Marxist, from each according to his ability to each according to his needs: "[Obama] seeks to replace our merit-based society with an entitlement society. In an entitlement society, everyone receives the same or similar rewards, regardless of education, effort and willingness to take risk. That which is earned by some is redistributed to the others. And the only people to enjoy truly disproportionate rewards are the people who do the redistributing-- the government." Reality just doesn’t matter here-- which is why Obama might as well reach out to his base instead of the unreachable right.

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At 10:28 PM, Anonymous me said...

Gingrich is a friend, I respect him

Gingrich is not my friend. I don't respect him and never did. So by displaying atrocious judgement, the used car salesman just lost whatever slim hope had of getting my vote.

Not that I'll vote for O'Bummer. Did you hear him recently? All of a sudden, after three years of kissing republican ass and giving them everything they wanted, while giving ME, who voted for him, nothing of significance that I wanted... all of a sudden, he starts claiming to be a populist! What a phony.

Hey Obama! How come no republicans are in prison? And no bankers? Why are all of Bush's tax cuts for the rich still in place? Why are we still fighting Bush's wars? Why do we have more government secrecy now than when Bush was in office? Why is the Democratic Party still funding blue dogs and not liberals?

Where's that CHANGE you promised?


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