Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today We're Thankful For... Alan Grayson, Part 3


Welcome back to our Thanksgiving Alan Grayson Marathon. Maybe we can do this every year! Before we get into the next segment of our Blue America chat with Alan, I want to share a Thanksgiving message from another Blue America candidate, New Jersey progressive Ed Potosnak, who you can find on the same page as Alan (in more ways than one). Ed:
This Thursday, America will be observing the 148th Thanksgiving. This holiday is more than turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes. This holiday gives us the opportunity to press the pause button on our busy lives and give thanks for the freedoms and rights that we have as Americans.

Let us not forget that although America is wealthy, there are families in our country that are starving. This Thanksgiving, join me in donating to the local food bank or making a contribution at the check out line at the grocery store. When there are families starving, we all hurt. So this week, give thanks and pay it forward, donate to your local food bank.

The very first question Alan got last weekend was from a Blue America member who asked him about the Occupy/99% Movement. Alan has been very supportive of the demonstrators and, as you might expect, is able to articulate what's behind their discontent so that anyone can understand it. "Wall Street made the economy crash... They got their bailout; everybody else got the shaft:"

If you haven't contributed to Alan's campaign, please consider doing so today-- here. (And feel free to contribute to Ed or anyone else on the page as well. It's a good bunch.)

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At 12:33 PM, Blogger threepoint14r8 said...

OWS is having a party! Come on down!
There's already 400+ people in Zuccotti Park! We're all waiting for YOU!

details are here:

Come eat!


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