Bracing for Climategate 2.0, remember (let's say it all together): Every word out of the mouth of every right-winger is a lie
Here's Jon Stewart a couple of weeks back reporting on the story we covered as well, about the Koch-funded project that carefully rechecked the data and found that the climate-change data supposedly "disproved" in Climategate 1.0 were, in fact, correct -- and "global warming is real," as study director Richard Muller reported in a WSJ op-ed that somehow never found its way into the U.S. print edition.
"This is clearly an attempt to sabotage the international climate talks for a second time, and there has not been enough attention paid to who is responsible for these illegal acts. If this happened surrounding nuclear arms talks, we would have the full force of the Western world’s intelligence community pursuing the perpetrators. And yet, with the stability of our climate hanging in the balance with these international climate treaty negotiations, these hackers and their supporters are still on the loose. It is time to bring them to justice."
-- Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), in a statement yesterday
by Ken
Ohmygod, it's Climategate 2.0. And now the cadre of sociopathic liars like those we see in the above Daily Show clip, instead of apologizing for having been born, and maybe doing something to rectify the error, can be expected to trumpet -- ta-da! -- another bunch of conveniently stolen and no doubt even more conveniently doctored e-mails.
I feel as if I've never escaped from last night's post, in which I succumbed to hopelessness over the fact that Orly Taitz's psychotic birther lies not only got a hearing before New Hampshire's Ballot Law Commission but continue to be denounced by practically nobody in the GOP (or on the Right, if that's different) and endorsed in life-or-death terms online by sad souls who have allowed their brains to be used for mulch.
When it comes to science, I imagine the Demon Disinformers of the Right have the obvious advantage that Americans by and large hate science, very likely because it makes them feel dumb. Oh, that attitude extends to pretty much all forms of knowledge, I suspect for the same reason, but science takes it especially hard on the chin because it's so damn, you know, scientific (translation: "hard"). And you know it's all only a theory anyways.
Our friend A Siegel, in a "Get Energy Smart! NOW!" post, "'Climategate' redux: An opportunity to show learning . . .," after tracing for us the useful distinction between "lessons learned" (by and large, a pipe dream) and "lessons identified" (and subsequently forgotten, only to be reencountered later, usually when it's too late to do much good), and recalling the sad story of the right-wing hoax that was Climategate 1.0, notes:
Earlier today, another batch of stolen emails were released (notice passive voice … who released them?) and the disinformation machine is already spinning up to foster continued and deepened global confusion about the status and quality of climate science. As climate scientist John Abraham put itWhile Texas experiences record droughts that cost $9 billion and while the evidence of climate change becomes more clear, the denialists quit discussing the science. Instead, billionaire oil tycoons continue their personal attacks against scientists.These emails are, reportedly, all from prior to 2009. E.g., those electronic thieves seeking to foster confusion about climate science held back this material for several years seeking an opportune moment to seek to create noise. That the world community is gathering in Durban, South Africa, to discuss climate issues creates an eerie similarity to the 2009 release just prior to the Copenhagen climate summit.
The question, this time around, is whether “the” media and journalists have actually learned a lesson from 2009 and will actually engaged in truthful reporting rather than providing stenographic services to truthiness and lies.
Oh, I think AS would make the same guess that we would as to whether the infotainment noozers "have actually learned a lesson." The Fox Noisers and their kind, after all, aren't interested in learning, of any kind. Consider Jon Stewart's point above about the massive Fox Noise "coverage" of the release of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project findings. The Right, we have to remember, has no interest in truth -- only the swirl of malignant delusions in their muddled brains, which by unearthly coincidence so often happen to coincide with massive profit-making opportunities for their megacorporate paymasters.
AS, by the way, has a nicely linked bibliography of Climategate information sources in the post. Read them and pass them on, because unless I'm much mistaken, it's going to be another bumpy ride. It might help, though, if we make some noise of our own -- in the interest of reality and truth.
Labels: A Siegel, climate change, Fox Noise, Right-Wing Noise Machine, Wall Street Journal
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