Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No Ties At The Drum Circle?


Perhaps it was because I've been standing up for drum circles and being rude to schmucks who wear uniforms like suits and ties and then look down their snouts at people who don't, but a fellow named Hendrick, who described himself as "a specialty retailer for fine neckties & bow ties," e-mailed me the other day: "I am passionate about fashion and I am reaching out to you because I spent some time analyzing the dress code of our current Presidential Candidates. I have been quoted by SFGate and other news sites, and wanted to share my thoughts on political fashion with you." OK, I'm game.
Politics are in full swing with the candidates trying to win support and momentum wherever they can find it. Each candidate is trying to establish their authentic message and their own powerhouse image. What we are seeing is a universal and conventional style of a dark navy suit, a white dress shirt and a standardized ruby red necktie. It has a strong presidential presence but is, from our fashion and tie aficionado's point of view, lacking in originality and authenticity.

Last week, Esquire wrote an article titled “CNN Tea Party: Battle of the Solid Red, Silk Tie” and started the article with “Not even worth trying to declare a winner.” Each candidate was wearing the signature ruby red hued tie. The three ties above are a good example of ties that, we are convinced, candidates Rick Perry or Mitt Romney would like. It’s possible however, that the overuse of the iconic red tie is starting to have a negative connotation. In this political climate, the public wants a strong, self thinking leader who doesn’t conform to bureaucratic conventions.

For the sake of innovation and modernity, we would encourage the candidates to shake up their tie choices and mix it up with new colors and new patterns. First impressions are lasting impressions and we want to see the candidates for who they are. Scientific studies show that red is the color that gets the highest reaction from the viewer. It conjures up notions of victory, power and strength. But trends are starting to show that politicians need to change things up to avoid a cookie cutter aesthetic. Our founder, Hendrik Pohl, was quoted in a recent article published by SFGate that "I believe the public would respond quite positively to a change in presidential candidates' attire. If I were to consult the candidates on their clothing choices then I would add new colors such as ties in light blue, younger looking skinny ties, and even 'Winston Churchill style bow ties'."

How about one like this:

Related Articles:

Learn to Dress Like a President

Classic President Obama Neckties



At 12:44 AM, Blogger Bukko Boomeranger said...

I think Herman "Mark of" Cain should wear a hemp rope noose around his neck for the next depuke, to show how he's post-racial, or that blacks are slaves for refusing to vote Repiglickin, or something like that. It doesn't have to make sense. It's being thrown to an audience of morons.

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