Monday, July 11, 2011

Alan Grayson Is Running For Reelection


Alan Grayson, arguably the best congressman in our lifetimes, is announcing his candidacy for one of the new Orlando-based districts being created. This morning he told me that "under no circumstances" would he ever support a cut in Social Security. "I don't just say 'no'; I say HELL NO-- Under. No. Circumstances... Last year I said we can't let the choice in 2010 be between the lazies and the crazies. Now its coming down to choice between the heartless and the spineless. Ask them 'am I my brother's keeper' and they just say 'no'."

Orlando police chief Val Demings-- the one who arrested 30 people for feeding the homeless in public parks-- is also running in the Democratic primary. She's best known for losing her gun and for being an especially ignorant religious crazy. Indicted and convicted state Senator Gary Siplin may also run. He's an anti-union Democrat. I guess Grayson can just spend his time wondering who the GOP will put up against him, if not the current declared candidate, Karen Diebel, who has a history of mental instability but nearly beat Sandy Adams in their last primary.

Blue America will formally endorse Grayson as soon as he files his FEC papers. Meanwhile, though, please join me in letting Alan know how excited we are that he's running again.

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At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't live in Florida, no matter which district Grayson runs in. But I do have a limited amount of money and time to donate to 2012 campaigns. And there are a slew of Dems which do not tow the AIPAC line, which do not put Israel's interests ahead of America's interests, who I will support with those resources instead of Alan Grayson. He is a 100% AIPAC shill and supporter. He supported the massacre in Gaza which killed 1400 people including 400+ women and children. He didn't make a single statement that came even close to condemning that slaughter. Instead, he had this to say:

GRAYSON: I met with Howard Kohr, the head of AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee], twice last week.

PJV: And what was the gist of the conversation?

GRAYSON: The gist of the conversation was that Iran is a tremendous threat to Israel and needs to be stopped. And I agree with that.

PJV: And what about what is going on in the Gaza Strip; was there any conversation about that?

GRAYSON: Yes, we talked about that. I think what AIPAC often tries to do is to educate Members of Congress who frankly follow this a lot less closely than I do. In my case, I read Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post online four or five times a week, so I am pretty familiar with the circumstances and why the war took place. As a famous Israeli once said, the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Thanks but no thanks. I live in America, not Israel. I want Dems in Congress who represent America's middle class, not blindly support Israel.


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