Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rachel Maddow-- Essential Television


Hopefully you've been watching Rachel Maddow's dramatic and exhaustive reports on the John Ensign-Tom Coburn sex-and-ethics scandal. Her reports on Thursday and Friday were absolutely riveting and far better journalism than what Americans normally expect from television... or most other media for that matter. Andrea Mitchell recognized the awesomeness of what Maddow has been doing and invited her onto her show to explain it to her own daytime viewers. If John Ensign winds up in prison, where he clearly belongs, it will be because the ruling elite wasn't allowed to cover up another scandal within its own ranks. This is what journalists should be doing. And this is why-- other than Cupcake Wars, Maddow's MSNBC program is the only thing I regularly tune in to.

It's hard to imagine G.E., one of those evil mega-corporations that pays no taxes and seeks cartel-like dominance in its fields, would give her a platform. It's another example of Lenin's apocryphal quote, "the Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them." Of course, Lenin was wrong-- correct about the blind greed, incorrect about the degree of blindness and the ability, in the end, to pull it together and fight tenaciously for their own selfish, existential interests. The capitalists won and Lenin was tossed onto the trash heap of history. Let's enjoy Rachel before G.E. stops playing the game.

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At 5:24 AM, Anonymous Annie K. said...

Let's also enjoy YOU and others like you, before the telecoms pull the Internet down around our ears, as they have begun to do in Canada and also WI with recent "chipping away" kinds of legislation.

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Bil said...

These C street "christianists" like Ensign and Coburn are the WORST.

Can you IMAGINE the world these hypocritical Theocrats have planned for us when they take over?


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