Why Debra Bowen?

The race for the Democratic nomination to replace Blue Dog warmonger Jane Harman in CA-36 is a very tough one for Blue America. Instead of voters having to pick the lesser of two evils, as in most elections, we're facing two impeccable progressives, California Secretary of State and former state legislator from the district, Debra Bowen, and Marcy Winograd, who valiantly battled Harman in two difficult primaries since our PAC got going. Digby, John Amato-- who lives in the district and considered running for the seat himself-- and I thought long and hard about a race that is further complicated by an untested new open primary system, boundaries almost certain to be redrawn, perhaps drastically, in time for reelection, and a Democratic Party machine hack, Janice Hahn, also making one of her perennial bids to advance her career ambitions. The latest hack from the Hahn Dynasty, this one has rounded up a predictable basket of the least admirable Democratic machine politicians in the city to back her. The contemptible Harman started the ball rolling by giving her a heads up and a head start, presumably meant to derail Marcy. And Harman's fellow Blue Dog/corporate shill, Loretta Sanchez, was one of the first to jump on the Hahn bandwagon. Also worrying is that she's also touting the endorsement of slimy corporate lobbyist Dick Gephardt.
Obviously she was never really in contention for Blue America. The last thing this country needs is another mediocre machine pol who goes along with conventional wisdom, has nothing worthwhile to offer, and is, at best, a dependable vote for one faction or another. The L.A. delegation is filled with that kind of waste and with spectacular candidates like Marcy and Debra vying for the seat, there was no reason to give Hahn a second glance. But that left us with a terrible choice between two deserving friends and more than worthy candidates.
Either of these remarkable women could be reasonably expected to become focal points of progressive leadership-- Marcy in the galvanizing way that Paul Wellstone and Alan Grayson became moral forces for change and Debra in the steadfast and effective style of a Jeff Merkley, Barbara Boxer and Donna Edwards. If either of these women is elected to Congress, it should be a moment of great rejoicing for progressives nationwide and an opportunity for one of their distinctive styles to help make America a better place to live. So... the question of electability comes into play-- because, despite organized labor's grubby happiness with Hahn, she has no more to offer America than any of the careerist backbenchers eager to welcome another mediocrity like themselves into federal government service.
Since Harman attempted to pass her flickering torch on to Hahn, I've spoken with both Marcy and Debra. Today Blue America will be announcing an endorsement for Debra Bowen in this race in a live blogging session at Crooks and Liars with the candidate we think has the best chance of beating the Hahn Dynasty and going on to being the most effective advocate for working families in CA-36, in our city, our state and our country. Not everyone is going to come to the same conclusion that support should go to Debra. Many of our hearts have been with Marcy for a very long time. In fact, if you come to the conclusion she's the candidate you want to support, you can do so here at her website. Blue America has added Debra Bowen to ours and I hope you'll read Digby's post about why and join her, Amato and I at 11 for a live chat with her.
When Debra announced she would run, Hahn was already the corrupt L.A. Machine's anointed candidate. Yesterday Roll Call detailed down devious Blue Dog Jane Harman tried to hand the seat over to Hahn, something that has been shamefully supported by the whole stinking L.A. Democratic machine. Before being elected, and then re-elected Secretary of State, she had represented most of CA-36 in the state legislature since 1992, first as a Member of the Assembly and then in the state Senate, from a district including all or parts of Carson, El Segundo, Hermosa Beach, Lomita, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Venice, and Wilmington, about 90% of the congressional district. She garnered national attention in 2008 when she, along with Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, another Blue America all-star, won the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, cited for her imposition of strict new controls on electronic voting despite the political fallout.
Debra, like Marcy, is aggressively committed to equality for racial, religious and ethnic minorities, women, the LGBT community, and people with physical handicaps and to make sure-- regardless of which political party hods the White House-- that the American policy towards "preventive war" is stopped dead in its tracks. Her substantive accomplishments to date have been around nitty gritty issues fundamental to democracy-- empowering voters by working effectively to increase voter registration and voter turnout across California emphasizing outreach to students and young voters and to Californians stationed overseas in the military or living abroad; using technology to dramatically open up government; ensuring that voting systems are secure, accurate and accessible, the lack of which in several states resulted in the presidency of George W. Bush; cracking down on fraud; protecting personal privacy; and advancing higher ethical standards in government.
If you can, please join us with Debra at Crooks and Liars today at 11 am (PT). Also take a look at the ringing endorsement from her campaign by Democracy For America and, if you can, please contribute to a game-changing campaign at the Blue America ActBlue page.
Labels: Blue America, CA-36, Debra Bowen, Marcy Winograd
Debra Bowen and Marcy Winograd have both been committed to equality for ethnic minorities, women and the LGBT community. But we really needed Debra Bowen to continue her excellent work as Secretary of State, especially in a redistricting year. Furthermore, this primary is for a seat in Congress, and the agenda must be to change our country's national priorities. Winograd has demonstrated much more courage and commitment against the drastic wars of the past decade. As for a stance on Israel, as a Jew of Holocaust family, I warmly support Winograd's position that US must be a real broker for peace in Israel/Palestine. The issue of Israel/Palestine has become a sort of Third Rail of politics: If you question the justice and wisdom of the longstanding US policy, you are branded an anti-Semite or a self-hating Jew. Unfortunately, Debra Bowen has not demonstrated courage in this area, and she has already succumbed to pressure from the "liberal junta", Waxman and Berman, by signing Hahn's pledge to unequivocally "support Israel". Winograd's position conforms with President Obama's new middle east peace agenda, which calls for encouraging democracy movements throughout the Arab world, while also objecting to illegal Israeli settlements that enrage the region and weaken our national security.
Our country is in big trouble, and we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying Winograd's approach. Please choose Marcy Winograd!
Antonie Churg
Torrance, CA (36th CD)
Yep, there are efforts underway to derail Winograd's candidacy. Are yours among them? You strongly (and, I felt, accurately) advocated her election last time around. What's made Bowen suddenly better than her? Until you state this plainly, I suspect your advocacy for Bowen will be seen as both illogical, and basically a vote against someone you formerly thought was a real shining example of progressive activism.
I have difficulty with your support of Bowen. If she knocks Marcy out of the race, it will send a message that the progressive community changes horses quickly & why would an outside the political system progressive spend 10 years of their life seeking election when, without any real reason, at the point when her election is likely, the progressive community changes over to another candidate. Furthermore, Bowen already has an important elected position whereas Marcy is without.
I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why I should vote for Bowen, whom I voted for in November as SoS. It troubles me that so soon after winning election, she jumps ship and is now seeking a congressional seat. It smacks of a career politician seeking to evade term limits. If you ask me, it's absurd for her to ask me to vote for her again so soon. Once in a year is enough! I want a candidate who is going to stay in office for the term we elect them too!!!
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