What to do with that slightly used mega-embassy in Baghdad? The winners are . . .

by Ken
Today in his Washington Post "In the Loop" column, Al Kamen revealed the winners in the Feb. 8 'Embassy for Sale' contest, "which was to come up with ideas for what to do with the enormous, 104-acre embassy complex in Baghdad as the mission winds down." The contest generated "hundreds of entries from around the world." Coveted "In the Loop" T-shirts were awarded to the top 10 entries as chosen by a panel of three judges:
* former New York Times and CBS News reporter Terence Smith;
* our former colleague, formerly an AP foreign affairs correspondent in the Middle East and now ProPublica reporter Dafna Linzer;
* and Aaron Blake, a key member of the wildly popular Fix Blog.
Since I was so excited by the contest when it was originally announced, I can't help but make sure DWT readers know how it came out. So here are the nine winners responsible for those top 10 submissions, "in no particular order":
One Loop Fan submitted two winning entries:
"Turn it into the Fertile Crescent Community College. (Sports chant: 'Go Tigris!')"
And the other entry:
"Turn it into a 5-star luxury hotel and spa experience. Market it as 'America's Last Resort.' "-- Randy Brown, freelance journalist in the Des Moines, Iowa, area
"Trump Baghdad Casino Hotel. Only U.S. Government officials with more than $1 billion in cash can play and they are required to lose everything as quickly as possible. Casino Management: Blackwater USA and the Iraqi Government."-- retired foreign service officer James F. Schumaker of San Clemente, Calif.
"Turn the compound into an educational institution for the study of government folly: 'The College of Woefully Misguided Decisions.(WMDs).' "-- retired journalist and former Loop contest winner Maurice R. Fliess of Brentwood, Tenn.
"A new stadium for the Redskins named 'The Daniel Snyder Edifice for Annual Hope, Eternal Dreams and Everlasting Disillusionment' "-- information technology specialist Dave McDermott of Brambleton, Va.
"Retirement Home for American Neo-Cons. Name: The Open Arms"-- Federal government retiree Kirk Augustine of Camano Island, Wash.
"Convert the complex into a full-service, game-themed restaurant specializing in desserts. New Name: The Yellowcake Factory."-- federal contractor program manager Kevin Dopart of Washington, D.C.
"An open-air market. It can be called Very Eastern Market."-- former Loop contest winner Matt Neufeld, news editor at Carroll Publishing in Greenbelt
"The embassy should be turned into the world's largest bowling alley. It could be called 'Dubya's.' "-- Daniel Bazan, a federal government employee
"Move the Redskins, Capitals and Wizards to a new facility. Rename it 'Camp Victory.'"-- retired Agency for International Development attorney Bob Lester of The Villages, Fla.
In addition, notes, Al, "Many of the entries reflected earnest efforts to think of something to do with the complex that would actually be useful and needed in Iraq, such as a university or hospital." The contest brass picked one winner in this category:
"Make a rehab centre for war affectees there as well as a wellness centre for war-affected children. Name it Al Noorani. The Light (or 'The Illuminated One'). "-- Nighat Mir of Karachi, Pakistan
Labels: Al Kamen, Baghdad, Iraq War, Washington Post
The embassy project has already achieved its only real objective - it lined the pockets of contractors friendly to the W administration with wads of no-accountability cash.
It should be a center for world piece and justice. Move the court from the Haigh and put all the war criminals on trial. First up Chaney and Bush,then Tony Blair. After this trio is put away for life or executed you can start with the others.
Well said, commenters both! Thanks for saying all that so well.
I'd like to see it turned into a casino with mandated players being every civilian and military person making any money from that misbegotten "war," with Mafia-dressed, tough-guy bouncers who won't let them leave until their bank accounts are empty, and all profits going to the Iraqi victims of the "shock and awe," determined by Doctors Without Borders.
But that's just me.
Love ya,
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