Befuddled by the odd coalition anchoring the Farthest Right? Meet Tom Tomorrow's Tea Party Tim and Plutocrat Pete
Tea Party Tim and Plutocrat Pete
by Tom Tomorrow

[Don't forget to click to enlarge.]
by Ken
As happens so often when Tom Tomorrow is on the job, I really don't have much to add. I'm just pleased to see our man train his gaze on this weird alliance now forming the hunchbackbone of the Farthest Right. Wouldn't you think it would matter just a tad that the Teabaggers and the Plutocrats have practically nothing in common? That, in fact, each comes close -- if we were going by reality -- to being the Thing the Other Hates Most.
Howie has been kicking around various aspects of this chasm, for example in his post yesterday "No New Texans!") on the plutocrats' struggle, now that that Man of No People, T-Paw, has gone down in flames, to find a candidate who can sucker the 'Baggers into thinking he (or she) is one of them, the new hopeful being one of the dumbest and most corrupt and swinish creatures on the face of the earth, Rick Perry. I mean, really, effing Rick Perry???
Yes, they both Hate Government, but of course they mean very different things by hating government. And they all hate Obama, but again, Hating Obama means very different things to them. The Teabaggers have absolutely no idea what Obama believes, has done, or plans to do, while the Plutocrats have a very good idea, and really don't have much quarrel with it -- it's just that once he does their dirty work of getting congressional Democrats to support reactionary initiatives that would have gone nowhere if offered by a Republican president, the nabobs can go back to propping up One of Their Own.
Hey, remember when we thought the 2008 GOP presidential field was about as preposterous as the mind of man could imagine?
Don't know how I forgot to include the link (as I normally do), but I've added it above (and here it is again). Sorry! -- Ken
Labels: plutocracy, teabaggers, Tom Tomorrow
I'm actually a bit disappointed in the comic. I think it misses the point.
As the complete fail of the public rallies has shown there is no TeaParty Tim. There are some paid twit drones and aparatchiks, but they're really just puppets for the Club for Growth crowd. The real battle is between the Koch/Club for Growth crowd and the Chamber of Commerce members.
Both want low taxes and low regulations on themselves. I think of the Chamber members as closer to the Organized Crime bosses that know too much chaos is bad for business. But the Club for Growth folks are more racist, more nihilistic. Maximum chaos is needed for maximum pillage.
Have to disagree on this one, Tom. There's no doubt that the Teabaggers have been financed by the oligarchs, who thought they could control them. But as the would-be masters are discovering to their chagrin, there are a lot of Teabaggers out there who are absolutely real -- however misguided, unambiguously a force to be reckoned with.
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