Paddy Power

Paddy Power, founded in 1988, is Ireland’s biggest bookmaker best known for publishing odds for horse racing, football betting, rugby, cricket, as well as for its online poker and casino operations. But they're also somewhat famous for offering odds on controversial subjects that help bring their business attention. Right after Obama was elected in November 2008, 16-1 was laid that he 'would not finish' his first term; yes, odds on assassination. This week they're offering odds that Obama will win the next presidential race.
Actually, Monday they were in the news because they had added Matt Damon to the list of possible 2012 U.S. presidential victors. They're offering 66/1 odds that Damon will get the Democratic nomination and 100/1 odds that he'll be the next president-- not as good as Joe Biden, Rand Paul and Newt Gingrich (each at 80/1), but better than Paris Hilton, Laura Bush and Will Smith (each at 500/1).
Paddy Power have today inserted Matt Damon at 100/1 to be the next US president after he received a glittering endorsement for the role from fellow Hollywood star Michael Moore! Damon has proven far more articulate on Liberal issues than his Team America puppet would suggest and is also available at 66/1 to receive the Democratic nomination for the race.
Obama remains the strong favourite at 4/6 in the race for the White House followed by Texan Rick Perry and former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney who are at 7/2 and 5/1 respectively while Tea Party darling Michelle Bachman is available at 16/1.
...Paddy Power said "There’s been a strong tradition of Hollywood stars making the transition into politics since Ronald Reagan, Matt Damon has never been afraid to express his political views and would surely garner some high profile supporters if he chose to run."
Meanwhile former on screen US President Martin Sheen is available at 250/1 to be the next Irish President! Sheen who is an Irish citizen through his Irish mother has been subject to a Facebook campaign pushing for him to enter the race.
Here are all the odds, as of now. Even with Obama's approval ratings sinking, people still prefer him to any Republican. Paddy Power warns that "all prices remain subject to fluctuation."
Next US President
4/6 Barack Obama
7/2 Rick Perry
5/1 Mitt Romney
16/1 Michele Bachman
20/1 Jon Huntsman

33/1 Herman Cain
40/1 John Boehner
40/1 Paul Ryan
50/1 Ron Paul
66/1 Rudolph Giuliani
80/1 Rand Paul
80/1 Thaddeus McCotter
80/1 Marco Rubio
80/1 Rick Santorum
80/1 Michael Bloomberg
80/1 Gary Johnson
80/1 Joe Biden
80/1 Newt Gingrich
100/1 Matt Damon
150/1 John McCain
500/1 Laura Bush
500/1 Paris Hilton
500/1 Jimmy McMilan
500/1 Will Smith
Labels: 2012 presidential race
watch perry's odds fall down awfully fast - but bachmann - watch the lunatic's odds go up and up
if this is the best this country can do - it is time to rename us somalia
I think it's damn sad, Howie, if the best thing that can be said about its presidency getting a second term is that he can keep the job from going to a woman who looks like Elsa Lanchester in The Bride of Frankenstein.
I was listening as Michael Moore floated the name of Damon on that FDL call. Honest to Christ, call me nuts, but I think he'd have a great shot. He'd lock up the youth vote, the liberals, most Democrats and some independents to achieve 51%. You attach the right VP and here comes the hope and change we should have had last time.
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