Friday, November 06, 2009

Keeping Derrick Crowe Speaking The Truth About Afghanistan


Hopefully you're aware that Blue America is trying to help form a strong coalition in the House of congressmembers committed to ending the occupation of Afghanistan. We've been pushing our No Means No campaign as a way of thanking the 32 Democratic members who already voted against the Obama war supplemental in June. Today, though, we're not asking for donations for those members. We're here to talk about something, someone, entirely different: Derrick Crowe.

Derrick blogs about the occupation of Afghanistan and about the war there. He's an activist involved in every aspect of ending the nightmare and you've probably run into his incredible work either directly or indirectly. We use his fantastic mash-up videos about Afghanistan here at DWT all the time. He's who we go to when we need to be sure we have our facts straight. He's been able to put so much work into the effort because he’s been on a three month fellowship, using funds provided out-of-pocket by our friends at Brave New Films and the Seminal. But this week, Derrick’s three month fellowship came to an end and we're asking for your help to keep it going.

Can you pitch in $10 or $20 to help extend Derrick Crowe’s blogging fellowship against the war in Afghanistan? Your contribution will go directly to Derrick, and if we can raise $5,000, we can keep the fellowship going for an entire year. Please consider donating here at the Rethink Afghanistan page.



At 3:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Read your interview with Matthew Hoh which I found most impressive and timely. As a director of the Mid-Coast FoRum on Foreign Relations in Rockport , Maine (WWW.MIDCOASTFORUM.ORG) I am trying to get Matt to address our Forum at some convenient time. I need his email address/and or his phone number. Can you help, or would you forward my invitation to him? I'd be very much obliged.


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