Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Michael Moore Takes Off His Hat For Sean Hannity


This is the only appearance Michael Moore has done without a hat to promote his new movie. He just slays poor befuddled Hannity.

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At 10:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Shawn Hannity loves to blame the victim while he makes what 80 mill a year. I guess I might be on what ever side would pay me that kind of money.

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous joel said...

Its really good to read your blog. I enjoyed the reading with your blog.

At 2:14 AM, Blogger Chris J. said...

I have a hard time following Michael Moore these days. He has lost credibility with me since some things he says are true, but some facts he distorts or misrepresents.
I think there is room enough for blame on both sides of the mortgage crisis. There were plenty of people who were lied to about the contents of their contracts, but there were also those who got into mortgages that they could not afford.
I would like to see more accountability on the part of the realtors who made the sale. If they acted unethically (as some of them did) then they need to be liable for their commission and have their license revoked.

At 6:24 AM, Anonymous Balakirev said...

Hannity's concern trolling is ridiculous, and his attempts to ignore Moore's facts simply blow up in his face. Nice to see. I'm not Moore's greatest fan, but he does this sort of thing with enormous style and common sense. Good for him.


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