Michele Bachmann Bizarro World
-by Eric Pusey, The Big E, the guy who ran the Norm Coleman Weasel Meter
And, yes, we're pretty embarrassed by her.
But we're going to do everything we can to defeat her in 2010. To help the cause, we at MN Progressive Project have created:
Most people probably flippantly remarked "what a whack job" when they saw her on the Chris Matthews Show accusing Democrats of being "Anti-American." Or muttered "she's is seriously unhinged" when she groped President Bush at the 2007 State of the Union Speech. Or even "what planet does she live on?" when she divulged her secret plans to divide Iraq. At MN Progressive Project, we agree but we also have the evidence to back up our accusations.
When we say she's insane, we're not being flippant. We have documented the history of her wacky statements and crazed behavior.
When we say she's a bigot, we have the quotes to back our accusation up.
When we say she's a liar, we can point to lie after lie she has told.
The thing that most people don't realize is she didn't lose her marbles once she got to Congress. It's more accurate to say
(continuing the marble metaphor) that she never had any marbles. She's been saying and doing all this wacky crap since she first got into politics.
She didn't just start making crap up when she got to Washington. She's been doing it all along.
How'd she get away with it?
Simple. The Minnesota media ignored her insanity. So at MN Progressive Project we're trying to rectify the situation by creating an archive of her craziness but also a place to document her ongoing behavior.
We want progressives to understand the full arc of Michele Bachmann. So enjoy Michele Bachmann Bizarro World. If you like it, please let your friends know.
Labels: 2010 congressional races, Michele Bachmann, Minnesota
Norm, has there been a significant shift in the attitude of her constituents since she got into Congress and launched her wacko jihad on commonsense? Or was she elected in a district of Fox News lovers who still see her as a last bastion of freedom against the onslaught of intelligence? Because it appears to me that--as the anti-health care loonies have shown--it really doesn't matter how much money or visibility sanity has, if people are tuned into the likes of Beck and Hannity, they'll go on believing the same garbage that's already piled high in their heads. I'd really like to see Bachmann returned to the arms of her kith and kin in the asylum, but the likelihood of that surely rests with her voters and their media habits.
I can answer that for Norm.
After the late October meltdown on the Chris Matthews Show, she came amazingly close to losing. The moderate Republicans, i.e., fiscally conservative and socially liberal, as well as the independent voters voted against her.
The problem was some of these voters voted for Independence Party candidate Bob Anderson. Bob didn't run a campaign, but was unopposed in the IP primary. The IP-endorsed candidate and DFL (MN version of Dem) candidate El Tinklenberg.
A majority voted against Princess Sparklepony, but that majority split 43% for El and 10% for Bob giving her 47%. Tinklenberg couldn't take advantage of her gaffe for many reasons, but despite all of his campaign's shortcomings, he nearly did.
Great question, B, and thanks for the answer, ESP. Every time Michele goes publicly bonkers I wonder what her constituents think.
What I really wanted to say, though, is that I love the Michele Bachmann Bizarro World site. It has the feeling of a carnival -- I can almost hear a calliope playing in the distance.
Of course then I remember that we're talking about a sitting member of Congress. It would be nice if the people in her district were properly ashamed, and did something about it next year.
Bachmann's district MN06 would elect an elephant if they thought it was Republican.
There is something oddly comforting if you think about it that she IS such a whackjob, or as the infamous DumpBachmannblog voted, a nut, a liar and a bigot. What if she was NOT a nut, a liar and a bigot/
I find it exhilarating that a Pat Robertson trained lawyer from a failed law school Colburn-Rolled into Regents University of Monica Goodling Fame, IS a spokesperson for the "New Republican Party". Amen.
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