Day 5: Catching up with Mike Doonesbury's mom's War on Death Panels
"Don't worry, when it's my time, I'll drive into the sea."
-- Daisy Doonesbury, to her son Mike in Tuesday's strip
As regular Doonesbury readers know, Daisy Doonesbury's "golden years" (am I the only one who didn't know the Widow Doonesbury's first name till yesterday?) haven't been easy. Now, in angry revolt against "death panels," which Mike tries to assure her don't exist, and all "government-run health programs," she's prepared to burn her once-treasured Medicare card.
Don't forget to click on each strip to enlarge. And check here for tomorrow's end-of-week installment -- and for every day's Doonesbury "Daily Dose." -- Ken
DOONESBURY Monday, Sept. 21

DOONESBURY Tuesday, Sept. 22

DOONESBURY Wednesday, Sept. 23

DOONESBURY Thursday, Sept. 24

DOONESBURY Friday, Sept. 25

COMING UP (at 6pm PT): What the "death panel" lies have "protected" us from discussing about end-of-life care
Labels: death panels, Doonesbury, Medicare, socialized medicine
I've just finished writing a documentary that deals with a husbands. Once you have pulled your almost dead husband out of the bath tub with your 17 year old daughter you never think about death the same way.
No one in this culture wants to talk about death.
Interesting news, Lee. I know the burden you've been living with, and while this may or may not help deal with it, it certainly sounds like a productive way to channel some of that stuff.
Please keep us posted.
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