Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can Bernie Sanders Save America?


Sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover

Every time I hear Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speak, I wish he were one of my senators. I have one that's ok-- if not really a leader-- and one that's a corrupt space alien feigning humanity and Democraticness. This Sanders clip takes up the same topic Noah did last night: Where Did My Money Went Bernie's not any happier with the answer than Noah:
What we need is a new type of Wall Street, a Wall Street not interested in bubble economics, in quick speculations, but a Wall Street that wants to invest in America, in our rural economy, rebuilding our manufacturing, creating decent paying jobs, and not just enriching a handful of people who are already extremely wealthy.

Like Dick Durbin (D-IL), Senator Sanders has pointed out that "the bank lobby, the insurance companies and the drug companies practically run the House and Senate." He should know; he's served in both. And those corrupt lobbyists sure don't like him-- not one bit. First elected in 1990, every single freshman has gotten more donations from the financial interests than Sanders. In fact, the only member of the Senate who's gotten less than Sanders is multimillionaire Herb Kohl, who has no need to ask for their money. Sanders' approximately $9,000/year-- not from PACs but from people employed financial institutions, probably tellers and janitors-- is the polar opposite of what we see flooding into the campaign coffers of one of the most corrupt of all Republicans, South Dakota's crooked politician, John Thune, the new poster boy for a Republican future. First elected to the Senate in 2004, after 3 terms in the House, Thune has gobbled up $3,413,174 from the financial sector, over $300,000 a year. He's Wall Street's antidote to Bernie Sanders. Bernie speaks for ordinary working families. Thune is owned by the banking and credit card industry.

Sanders is the single best member of the U.S. Senate. Thune has a lot of competition for the worst slot-- and, alas, on both sides of the aisle. (Disclaimer: like me, Bernie Sanders graduated from James Madison High School in Brooklyn.)

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At 7:47 AM, Blogger Jack Jodell said...

Bernie Sanders is one great American! We have far too few of that for-the-average-guy progressive in our government. Like Dennis Kucinich, Dick Durbin, Sherrod Brown, and few others, he really understands fairness and the plight of the struggling American citizen. This country would be FAR better off with a Congress packed to overflowing with people just like him!

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Know our history to know our common needs! This talk about socialism comes from ignorance. Marx is rolling over in glee as American capitalism pulls the majority of our fellow citizens down. Corporations have raped the true American assets and work and has shipped them all to China and other human rights abusers so they can reap obscene profits for their own personal gain. This war on labor and the middle class has gone on long enough, the national debate needs to be focused on common good not free marketeers.

At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernie is my senator, so I very much appreciate the post!


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