Friday, July 17, 2009

Well, what do you suppose Pat Buchanan would have to say to get his sorry ass fired by MSNBC?


by Ken

We need to talk about the latest installment in Rachel Maddow's ongoing exploration of the ever-stranger connections emanating from the now-infamous C Street "church" of the Famlly, along with the ranking guide into the Family sanctum, Jeff Sharlet (whom she now has to apologize to profusely for dragging him away from his hoped-for vacation, as the story just won't stop metastasizing).

We'll get to that, but first I guess we really need to talk about another segment on Rachel's show last night: Pat Buchanan's appalling attempt to defend his column attacking Judge Sonia Sotomayor, whom he has taken to ridiculing as "an affirmative-action judge." Of course, to appreciate the full measure of viciousness intended, you have to understand that in the lunar landscape that is Pat Buchanan's brain, "affirmative action" is nothing more than a piece of the massive plot -- watch out, the plotters are everywhere! -- to cheat white males, the very people who made America what it is, out of their rightful share of the pie, which is all of it.

(And he is only too happy to rattle off the list of names of the white male victims, even if he can't pronounce the name of the sainted Frank Ricci -- I guess those Irishmen have trouble with Eye-talian names), and it seemed to me that a woman slipped onto the list of white males. Let's not even get into the questions of whether a program of systematic discrimination can actually be conducted against a nation's power elite, or whether a class of victims whose names can be recited in one breath by the craziest of crazy old coots really qualifies as, for want of a better term, a "class action.")

Rachel is taking some heat for her remarkable efforts at maintaining her poise, and even I sometimes wished at times that she would "lose it." But of course if she'd done that, she would have handed the even to Pat, who may be an old coot now but who has been fighting these fights for a lot of decades now, and knows that as soon as you reduce the opposition to enraged spluttering, you've won.

Anyway, Heather over at Crooks and LIars had the patience to do a point-by-point summation with commentary of this sad and sordid interview. I was in no condition to observe the spectacle closely enough to do so even if I had been inclined. I hadn't planned to watch it, and wish I'd stuck to my (sensible) original intention. It drove me storming around my apartment in -- what else? -- a spluttering rage.

Here's Heather's account:
During what was at times a bit of a heated exchange, but way too chummy in general -- given the type of browbeating Pat Buchanan actually deserves for his continued racist remarks on MSNBC -- Rachel Maddow ends up telling Pat Buchanan to quit living in the 1950s, and that he's fanning the flames of racial hatred with his rhetoric. Before that, she gives him ample opportunity to put on full display, again, just how horribly he thinks the poor, downtrodden white man is being treated in America.

Some of Pat’s "finer" moments during the interview.

-- Comparing Sonia Sotomayor to Harriet Miers.

-- Calling her a purely affirmative action candidate by the President and completely dismissing her academic accomplishments.

-- Saying that “white folks” built this country.

-- Calling Bork and Scalia “real scholars” and "tremendous minds" and saying Sotomayor hasn’t risen to their level.

-- Saying the only reason she was appointed to the bench was because of affirmative action.

-- Complaining about Sotomayor getting a chance to go to the best schools and knocking out someone who might have gotten better grades than her. When has Pat Buchanan ever complained about the likes of George Bush and other legacy children being allowed into the best schools because of who their parents are, and knocking other kids out? I would guess he has not. I’ve certainly never heard him bring it up. Rachel should have called him on that one if he'd let her get a word in to do it.

When asked if she got the grades she did in college because of affirmative action, saying that in the Ivy League schools, half the kids graduate cum laude now. Really? So they're raising students' grade point averages in college now and no one told the rest of us about it? Then retreating to saying he bet he graduated higher in his high school class than she did, and going so far as to say he probably did better than she did in college as well, but he doesn't think he's qualified to be on the Supreme Court.

So being a judge for seventeen years doesn't count for anything in Pat's world. And Pat says he did better than she did in school, without backing that up with any specifics. If anyone knows just what his grade point averages were in high school and college, I'd like to find out.

He compared the track team at the Olympics potentially being all black or a hockey team being all white to the racial make up of the Supreme Court. Yeah, that's exactly the same thing, Pat. He seems to have forgotten that there was a time not all that long ago that blacks in America were not even allowed to play on the same team as white people.

And he refused to say there is anything wrong with the fact that the Supreme Court has been made up almost entirely of white men for all these years and might benefit from other races being represented. He dodged back opining over the firemen they trotted out there as a political game at the hearing rather than answer the question.

I really don't understand why Rachel felt the need to bring him on if she was going to let him lie and talk over her for the better part of the interview. She's just not aggressive enough to deal with the likes of this bully, and he knows it. MSNBC has allowed Buchanan to become a racist sideshow on their network. As Media Matters has wondered: What would Pat Buchanan have to say to get himself fired from MSNBC?

Now that, Heather, is a splendid question. What would Pat Buchanan have to say to get himself fired from MSNBC?

For the record, MediaMatters' Jamison Foser didn't write the piece to which she directs us in response to last night's Rachel Maddow appearance. He wrote it on June 8.

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At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Bil said...

I watched that whole exchange last night and oddly enough Pat B still makes SOME valid points that no one else would have the courage to make. One that I remember was that until the 60's, the US was STILL 90% white etc. etc. I am glad that Rachael finds a way to barely keep him from being thrown out and they have the forum where she can say that he is wrong and she couldn't disagree with him more in fairly friendly terms.

Isn't that why we keep a spot open here for Grandpa Fred and Feral?

At 2:44 PM, Blogger KenInNY said...

I hear you, Bil, but old Pat only gets away with that crap because he stakes out such extreme positions. In trying to find a delicate way to ask him whether he believes that nobody but white males should be on the Court, you wind up measuring the black and Latin and female justices against the total Court membership -- because there's no way to get him to be shocked by the raw numbers (um, at quick count two, zero, and three?). Notice how many opportunities Rachel gave him at the end to say that he's happy that there will be a Latina justice -- and he wouldn't because he isn't.

When he throws factoids around, that makes it harder for me, not easier. And it's even creepier now that the just-plain-meanness isn't as visible as it used to be, having been crowded out by the, er, dodderingness. (Which isn't to say that he's any less mean than he's ever been. For me he's in a category with the late [yay!] Jesse Helms: a being who will die a stinking ball of hate. I'm just saying that the venom and viciousness aren't as blatant as they used to be.)


At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Balakirev said...

Pat's allowed to be a 24/7 bigot because the networks need it to prove to the Really Serious People and themselves that they're not libruls, Ken. Same as all the other wingnuts like Tancredo, Malkin, Coulter and the rest: it doesn't matter what sort of filth they pander, as long as their political credentials are close to the flat earthers, secessionists, and all the other fringe nutjobs. Really, it's pretty disgusting what's allowed in the name of Showing We're Not Progressives.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Chris Johnson said...

Just in case anyone was starting to doubt the level of bigotry that Pat Buchanan likes to espouse on national television...he delivers. When I first watched this I really was amazed at what was spewing out of "Uncle Pat's" mouth and while many want to see him get slapped down, I think Rachel did a good job at giving him enough figurative rope to hang himself.

This, combined with Glenn Greenwald's evisceration of Chuck Todd on Salon Radio yesterday and Glenn Beck's complete meltdown on his radio show on Wednesday make this week an interesting one that is for sure!

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Candace mitchell said...

I think that one of Rachel's downfalls with the discussion was her use of the statistics. The argument that there were 108 out of 110 justices that were white men. In 1900 there were about 1000 women attorneys and about 113,000 men. That is less than 1% so statistically, there should be only 1% of the judges that are women. That doesn't mean supreme court means judges. The Supreme Court should be a representation of the available judges. Currently, I can't find a good statistic about the demographics of the American Bar or Judges, but I would say the demographic that is under represented in both counts is women (white or otherwise).....

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitchell: too fucking many judges on the court now. You don't have to be a lawyer or a judge to sit on the court. I'd be happy if none of them were. Non lawyers that's who is underrepresented.

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Eugenian said...

"Well, what do you suppose Pat Buchanan would have to say to get his sorry ass fired by MSNBC?"

Something at least mildly unflattering about General Electric.

(Or, if on Morning Joke, about Starbucks.)

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous flounder said...

I wish she would have asked him who built the White House.

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Bil said...

Flounder that would have been GREAT!


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