"H-1-N-What? We Can Do So Much Better, People," says our pal Al Kamen, announcing the latest Loop contest

by Ken
It was our Washington Post "In the Loop" pal Al Kamen who clued us in to the e-mail sent out to all Democratic press secretaries by House Ag Committee communications director April Slayton with the "request" to "avoid using a pig in any graphics for the current flu outbreak that you are creating for your website and other media," and in general to avoid use of the pork-unfriendly moniker "swine flu."
The press secretaries may have gotten the message, but the press hasn't, and the public sure hasn't. Quick, what's the appropriate CDC-sanctioned name for the new flu? "N1H1," you say? Oh, that's so close! But I'm afraid you're eliminated. Thanks for playing our game.
"The letter-number thing won't stick," Al insists. "H1N1 is just too cumbersome and wholly lacking in imagery. You can't get the public to focus on, and take measures to prevent, something they can't even remember, let alone visualize."
Loop fans to the rescue, says Al.
It's time for the Loop Name the Flu contest. Yes, simply come up with a better name -- more accurate than swine flu, less wonky than H1N1 -- for the virus. Something that people can remember, that might help remind them to wash their hands regularly, stay home if they have symptoms and so on.
The 10 winners will receive one of those coveted, fine-quality, In the Loop T-shirts.
Details on-site. The deadline is midnight, Wednesday, May 13. As long-time readers know, we take Loop contests seriously. (We want us one of them Loop T-shirts.) Come on, DWT gang, let's get those thinking caps on.
Labels: Al Kamen, April Slayton, H1N1, House Agriculture Committee, Loop contest, Porky Pig, swine flu
I know! I know! I know!
Swine fluHey, look, everyone has picked up my name. I win!
As for hurting pork producers...you mean the people behind those mega farms with their toxic sewage lagoons? I'm supposed to be worried about them? Eat less meat, eat lower down the food chain...better for your health, better for the environment. And, of course, plant viruses don't jump host species and infect humans.
It's called the "Smithfield Flu" in my house.
Yes, Ian, those are the ones.
How about "NAFTA Flu"?
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