Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Imagine If Someone As Ignorant And Bigoted As Carrie Prejean Were Running Around The World Representing Our Country


Pretty on the outside

You may have thought DWT would be the one blog where you would be absolutely safe from having to hear about Carrie Prejean and her quest for Miss Americadom. Miss Dumb America, for sure, but thank goodness this ignorant, empty-headed bigot won't be representing our country in anyway that could embarrass us and remind people overseas about the past 8 years of clueless Americans. So why is that video looming below? Well if you haven't seen this bimbo making a fool of herself on national TV, you should take a look before I share my little story:

Forget for as moment that Fox and the Republican Party are struggling to turn this poor dimwit's loss into a cause célèbre for the Neanderthal base-- and even a law suit. She's a victim now. Always on the right the bigots are the victims. And the rest of society's put upon victims will claim her as their own.

This morning I was hiking around Los Feliz with one of my neighbors. She had paid more attention to the Miss America kerfuffle than I had. She said it reminded her of something that happened at her sorority. A very attractive and popular girl, a cheerleader, pledged and everyone was enthusiastic about having her join. Except one person. That person blackballed her. She told her sorority sisters that if they accepted the pledge, who is Japanese-American, none of the fraternity boys would come to their house parties. My friend was thunderstruck and she and several other sisters argued with the racist. But she was unmovable and they had to reject the pledge. That happened here-- in Los Angeles, California, USA. It's what Republicans are all about; it's part of the essence that makes someone think of themselves as a member of that rapidly shrinking political party.

Now wash that ugliness away with something beautiful:

UPDATE: Alabama Speaks

It probably won't surprise you to know that the state of Alabama has, once again, endorsed bigotry and prejudice in it's hundreds of years of unblemished endorsement of bigotry and prejudice. Go 'Bama! Jay Love was the wingnut who lost last year's congressional election to what is now the worst right-wing Democratic slug in Congress, Bobby Bright. But Love proved today that his name doesn't go further than his nose. The Alabama House approved a resolution he proposed to "support" Carrie Prejean's ignorant bigotry.

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At 4:15 PM, Anonymous rkozar said...


I recall that Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain, Bill/Hillary Clinton, and 55% of the united states still thinks marriage shoud remain between man and women.

are we all Ignorant Bigots?

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Juan Liberale said...


At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Yes a thousand times yes. They are all ignorant bigots just like you rkozar or is that ratso.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Bil said...

Well, I watched ALL the clips and Perez asked her opinion and then she gave him her opinion, which while not politically correct, appears to be HER opinion. And maybe did cost her the competition.

Perez, throws a hissy fit, calls her a bitch, then apologizes for calling her a bitch and then TAKES his apology back the next day.

Howie, this one is tripping my hypocrisy detector.

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Perez Hilton who is the bigot. Did you hear how he slandered her along with all those with the same viewpoint? With judges like him, the reputation of the Miss USA beauty pageant has been reduced to a farce.

Carrie Prejean had every right to answer the way she did. The liberal left just doesn't like it because she stated her opposing views on live TV that reached an audience of millions. They want to stifle any opinion that conflicts with their own.

Also, let's stop hammering her because of her spotty articulation. How would you like it if cameras were on you and judges staring in your face and the world is hanging on your every word? You'd be nervous as hell.

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Celeste said...

Miss America doesn't "represent" our country. Miss America is chosen for looks, not brains or leadership qualities. They can claim it's a "scholarship program" all they want. When a fat girl with bad hair wins, then I'll believe them.

Anyway, it was a stupid question. Who cares what her opinion is? She's entitled to her opinion, but why anyone would possibly care what she thinks is beyond me. It's not as if Miss America had any influence on society's acceptance of ANYTHING.

At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, lets not forget slavery. Just because the majority wants something totally unfair does not make it right.


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