Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Will Corey O'Brien Take On Paul Kanjorski?


Briefly, I lived in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. The congressman was-- and still is-- Paul Kanjorski-- a corrupt, socially conservative shill for Big Business. A heavyweight on the House Financial Services Committee, Kanjorski has been an apologist for the banksters and has taken more in legalized bribes ($3,185,464) from the financial/insurance/real estate sector that he's supposed to be regulating than any other member of that committee except ranking Republican shill and chief bankster apologist Spencer Bachus ($3,789,474).

In November, Kanjorski came closer to being ousted by northeast Pennsylvania voters in the 11th CD than any other Democratic incumbent. While Obama was racking up an impressive 57% win in the district-- significantly better than either Gore or Kerry-- Kanjorski was nearly defeated by virulent xenophobe and wingnut Lou Barletta (52-48%). The Obama voters were clearly not endorsing Barletta's Know Nothing politics; they had just had it with Kanjorski's sleazy politics.

This morning Gort42 broke the news that a (former) Kanjorski ally, Lackawanna County Commissioner Corey O'Brien, who caused a stir and ruffled some feathers last year by endorsing Obama in the run-up to the presidential primary-- in the middle of Clinton Country, would probably be challenging Kanjorski in next year's congressional primary.

But progressive Democrats can cool their heels for now. O'Brien is no champion of progressive values-- In fact, he's a better packaged avatar of social conservatism-- anti-Choice and against equality for gays. O'Brien looks like he could quickly grow up to me another Kanjorski-- just a lot slicker. Here's an effective, if phony-sounding, ad he ran last year:

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At 10:39 PM, Blogger Gort said...

I don't know what his positions are on the hot button social issues but I will ask him when we get together. Thanks for the shoutout.

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O'Brien is an opportunist. His aimless positions on issues offer no insight in to his intentions to support and represent the people of Lackawanna County. He gambled on a representation that Clinton was not right for our voters. Unfortunately, Corey, this is a representative government and it's not up to you to decide what's best for us. We do, and it's your job to ensure we are properly represented. Congressman Kanjorski probably needs to look toward retirement, but I for one do not like the idea of being represented by Corey "Idon'tcarewhatyouthink,I'llvotehowIwant" O'Brien. I voted for him last time...the very last time.

At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...anonymous. What's with the negative energy? I think Corey's doing a pretty good job. He's atleast trying, which is better than you can sya about Kanjo.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

O'Brien's a cheerleader. No doing, no thinking, just cheering. Don't make the mistake of thinking that he stands for something other than his own special interest (himself).


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