Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Is The Senate About To Get Another Gay Member?... From Florida?


Last year Chuck Schumer, as grand poobah of the DSCC, decided that the Senate wasn't ready for an openly gay member-- at least not from North Carolina-- but as long as they stay the hell in the closet and not get messy and go wild like Larry Craig, no one minds a few well-mannered closet queens in the august chamber. And it looks like Lindsey Graham (R-SC), recently the victim of a blackmail plot threatening to expose him, and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may be about to get a new pal. Florida Governor Charlie Crist is ready to make a deal.
In what could be a Sunshine State one-two punch, multiple Republican sources are confirming that Florida Gov. Charlie Crist (R) is giving serious consideration to running for Senate-- and that Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) is contemplating resigning from his seat before his term is up next year.

Florida’s lieutenant governor is a Republican and would appoint Martinez’s successor if he and Crist both resign prematurely.

Crist is under pressure from the GOP, particularly NRSC head John Cornyn, to take the seat and keep it out of the hands of surging Democrats. The gay card was played against him in the past-- in a vicious Republican primary that he won-- and it doesn't phase him at all. "Everyone" in Florida knows he's a closet case and no one really cares. (The ones who would care, the backward religionists who were the only ones who didn't know about Crists's buddy Mark Foley, are the only ones who don't know.) Today's Miami Herald explains the career choice dilemma the ambitious Crist is facing:
Why become one of 100 and a junior member of the minority party when you can be top dog?

''There's no doubt that he has higher aspirations,'' said Sharon Day, the newly elected Republican National Committee secretary from Fort Lauderdale. "Some people are pushing him to do things because it's good for them or good for the party... At the same time, I don't want to lose my governor."

Crist's decision will take into account his political ambitions, pet issues and simple geography.

If he wants to run for president, history shows that a state capitol is a better launching pad. But the Senate, where members can run for an unlimited number of six-year terms, offers more job security and better hours.

Dan Gelber, the progressive Democrat running for Martinez' seat, doesn't think this rumor's going to bear out. "I think the early-departure-self-appointment rumor while fascinating to pundits makes little sense and would be thoroughly unappreciated by voters. It would be very, very difficult," he told us this morning, "for a sitting Governor to resign in the midst of a true fiscal crisis (which Florida has), and I don't think Governor Crist would avail himself of that route even if he were interested in leaving his current post."


Unlike Florida and New Hampshire, they plan to fill the seat of retiring Kit Bond, the old fashioned way. And the probable winner, Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, has made her official announcement today.

Senator Russ Feingold issued a statement today about the monkey business that's putting another unelected senator into office: "...[T]he apparent behind-the-scenes deal-making that went on to determine who will fill Senator Gregg's vacancy is alarmingly undemocratic. Once again, Americans will be represented in the Senate for nearly two years by someone they had no hand in electing. As the number of Senators appointed to their seats continues to rise, it's increasingly clear that we need to fix this constitutional anachronism. It is time to pass a constitutional amendment to end appointments by governors and the political gamesmanship they encourage."

I like Carnahan's approach a lot better than the backroom deal cut in New Hampshire or the rumors about what may happen in Florida:

And... Paul Hodes, the congressman from New Hampshire who Blue America helped elect in 2006, just announced that next year he'll be running for the seat Lynch, Gregg and Obama decided to give to Republican Bonnie Newman. I'm not certain if she's in the closet or out. Anyone know?

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