Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I'll say it again: I think most of the former Bush "faithful" have forgotten even the bum's name. Meanwhile, what IS going on in Blair House?



by Ken

A listserv colleague had just stressed the need to keep hammering home the disaster of the eight-year Bush spending binge -- to force it on the awareness of people, "many of whom want to forget Bush." Since Bush amnesia is kind of a hobby horse of mine (I've written about it here a number of times already), I chimed in:

I don't think enough note has been taken of this phenomenon of Bush-forgetting, the -- to me, anyway -- totally unexpected successor to "Bush-basher"-bashing.

I think for most of the former Bush faithful this is already a done deal. It's like they don't even recognize the NAME. George WHO? Sorry, doesn't ring a bell. At a guess the long, energy-sapping election season provided cover for this amazing disappearing act. Remember how what's-his-name seemed to disappear completely from the GOP nomination battle? (From the Dem one too for the most part, come to think of it.) At the time it seemed like just politics. I think the guy was already making his Great Escape from public consciousness, not to mention accountability.

I used to wonder if it would ever be possible for Bush supporters, both professional and electoral (you know, like the people who voted for the guy twice), including those swell folks who used to scream in outrage at the slightest whisper of what to them was "Bush-bashing," to face up to the reality of who and what their hero was. While some of them have indeed turned on him by claiming that he wasn't a "real conservative," by and large -- and I never saw this one coming! -- the strategy seems to have been to FORGET THAT THERE EVER WAS SUCH A PERSON. Yes, even while the bum is still in the White House and, you know, the one and only president of these United States!

Already the years 2001-08 have metamorphosed into a hazy time when the Democrats were plotting with Fannie and Freddie, taking cash and gifts from them while getting them to make all those bad loans to "those people" who shoulda never got 'em, with the goal of causing Wall Street to explode. During that same time, of course, the ultra-liberal, Islamofascist-loving Dems were also at work failing to support Our Brave Troops and doing everything they could to prevent OBT from achieving the glorious victory General Petraeus eventually won -- over the godless Democrats, I believe.


Chimpy the Prez may have all but disappeared, but that hasn't stopped him from worsening the economic mess and the Israeli-Palestinian mess. And you'll recall that the White House vetoed the Obama request to move into Blair House on January 5, when the Obama girls were scheduled to begin school, rather than the 15th (the customary date for incoming presidents) -- on the ground that the mammoth building was "booked."

"Booked?" Rachel Maddow asked incredulously last night on her MSBNC show. All 119 rooms and 70,000 square feet, booked? As we all know, the Obama family has now made the move to Washington -- into a hotel. The White House Office of Protocol refused to provide the Maddow people with an agenda for Blair House, but the First Lady's spokesperson did graciously point out that they had "graciously" invited the Obamas to move in on the 15th! "Yes," Rachel noted, "they actually used the word 'graciously.'"

This has all served to make Rachel that much more curious to know what exactly is going on in Blair House which made it impossible to accommodate the president-elect's family.

If you're a D.C. insider type and have an invitation to an event taking place in Blair House during this 10-day period, Rachel is begging you to e-mail it to her -- just so she can find out what's going on there. (She's also got a Twitter query out to this effect.)

Note that the clip, last night's "Ms. Information" segment, also includes hilarious coverage of Grover Norquist's grand summit of the hopefuls for the Republic National Committee chairmanship, which we've been covering avidly.


Rachel, it turns out, was flooded with e-mails, but there's only one piece of information about plans for Blair House between th 5th and 15th of January: On the 13th, former Australian Prime Minister John Howard is scheduled to stay over!

Even apart from the question of whether there really isn't enough space among those 119 rooms (and 35 bathrooms!) for the four Obamas as well as Mr. Howard that night, or whether it really wasn't possible to put him up somewhere else (where the security costs would certainly have been the tiniest fraction of what it's costing to secure the president-elect's family at the Hay-Adams Hotel (Blair House, of course, comes equipped with security), it turns out that the former prime minister's visit is a red herring, that in fact he was booked after the Obama request to take up residence on the 5th was turned down, presumably so there would be at least the one booking.

Bloomberg News's Margaret Carlson reported exclusively tonight that in fact the Bush turndown was wholly unrelated to occupancy of Blair House. The Bushes just didn't wanna, end of story. And apparently the useless scumbags didn't give a flying fig either about the inconvenience to the Obamas or the cost to U.S. taxpayers.

In other words, the shithead was saying just what he's said with every breath he's drawn since he was installed in the White House:

"Fuck you, America! Eat shit!"

Class all the way. Every cell in his worthless carcass is toxic waste, always has been, and you'd have to be pretty much brain-dead not to have noticed it.

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At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the thing - Obama has been a senator for 4 years, right? Doesn't he already have a place in Washington that the girls can move into?

At 12:57 PM, Blogger KenInNY said...

As I understand it, actually, no! The Obamas wrestled with the decision and decided NOT to move the family to Washington. My understanding is that the senator's spartan apartment was just barely suitable for the basic needs of one person, and not at all suitable for a family.



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