I Wonder If Ben Nelson Ever Asks Himself Why The Sworn Enemies Of Working Families Like Him So Much

Benator with his pal Darth
This isn't actually a post about the Senate's most reactionary "Democrat," Ben Nelson of Nebraska. You know how I'm always trying to highlight the differences between Congressional Democrats who are dedicated champions of working families-- like Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Reps. Donna Edwards (D-MD), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Linda Sánchez (D-CA)-- and Congressional Democrats who are basically corporate shilling Republicans in all but name (and organizational votes)-- like Senators Nelson, Max Baucus (MT) and Blanche Lincoln (AR) and Reps. Joe Donnelly (Blue Dog-IN), Heath Shuler (Blue Dog-NC) and Jim Marshall (Blue Dog-GA)? Well, this morning I stumbled on a right wing loon's version of the same idea.
A twisted Republican attorney claiming that Senate Democrats are "masters of the filibuster" and "keepers of the Senatorial privilege" insists we're still in a "center-right era" and implies that Democrats are out of touch with America because they are pro-choice and "believe in" global warming. She's graded each Democrat based on her own perverted Wellstone Scale. In some cases a mirror image of her bizarro ravings actually work. Predictably she seems to like the two reactionaries from Arkansas.
Blanche Lincoln: A “Blue Dog” who is a reliable Democratic vote on many GOP issues. Might be a Democrat by convenience, rather than ideology. Used to be in favor of “card check” legislation, but has been backpedaling of late. Her sister is Mary Lambert, noted director of several lousy horror movies, including “Pet Cemetery.” Voted for TARP I and against TARP II. 1 Wellstone.
Mark Pryor: son of a Senator. Runs as a Democrat, but votes like a Republican. Mocked by Bill Maher for alleged creationist tendencies. Big on “constituent service,” so we don’t hear much from him. May have a secret life we don’t know about: for a long time he was the Senate’s number one recipient of money from Big Oil. Voted for TARP. 0 Wellstones.
You probably could have guessed that she kind of likes Dianne Feinstein and gets really shrill over her psychotic hatred for Barbara Boxer. I bet her description of Holy Joe Lieberman won't surprise you either: "a man of great integrity and personal conscience, so he was drummed out of the Democratic Party, although he still caucuses with them. Pro-war and also pro-morals, so he can hang with the GOP sometimes. Voted for TARP, sadly. 2 Wellstones (deduct 2 for the Iraq War)."
She scores Mary Landrieu well but can't resist bashing her-- and I can't resist re-publishing the rant:
daughter of a former mayor of New Orleans and sister of the current lieutenant governor of Louisiana, so corruption allegations are pretty much a given. Inevitably described as a “conservative Democrat.” Her margins of victory in elections tend to be very slim, and are resolved by midnight returns from Orleans Parish. The only member of the Senate who could be described as “cute.” Took the lead in blaming the feds for Katrina, and threatened to “kick the ass” of anyone who dared to blame LA and NO gov’t. Meow! Did not vote for TARP I, but did vote for TARP II. Coincidentally, she was in the middle of one of her patented closely fought re-election campaigns when she voted against TARP. 2 Wellstones.
Forget that Landrieu beat the other Democrat running (as a Republican) 52-46% and let's look at which members of the Senate get the very worst rating from the frustrated Frisco miscreant:
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)- "a nasty partisan lefty activist"
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Ted Kennedy (D-MA)- "no comment. Has brain cancer, but won’t retire."
John Kerry (D-MA)- "double no comment. His brain has not proved to be a burden to him."
Carl Levin (D-MI)- "politically, a New Dealer mated with a New Leftist meaning he is pro-union, anti-war, pro-ACLU, and believes in what used to be known as 'industrial policy.'”
Al Franken (D-MN)- "I never want to hear another story about how 'nice' and sophisticated Minnesotans are. What an embarrassment. It’s a double embarrassment for Norm Coleman, who lost to him, and a triple embarrassment to the GOP, which rarely fights post-election battles with any sort of competence (FL 2000 is the great exception). His Wellstone meter is off the chart, as he is clearly the 'new' Wellstone."
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)- "Known for nasty, dirty campaigning as befits his state."
Tom Udall (D-NM)- "Very worried about resource depletion and climate change... Kind of comes across as a more lovable version of RFK Jr., only without the history of drug use and demagoguery."
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)- "a major anti-free trader who led the fight against CAFTA in the House and wrote a book denouncing US trade policy. Worked as a teacher... There’s a lot of Wellstone in him, also a bit of Pat Buchanan."
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI): "the son and grandson of diplomats. Was US Attorney in RI, where he led some mafia prosecutions... Says he will conduct a review of Bush 'crimes' if Obama doesn’t."
Patrick Leahy (D-VT): "a Progressive’s Progressive... Famously (and deservedly) told to F--- himself by VP Cheney. Frustratingly incorruptible."
Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "a 'Socialist'... walks the walk. Unlike most progressives, he seems to live out his ideals. Vermont, like Hawaii, has a real problem with electing quality Senators."
Patty Murray (D-WA): "Eeyore’s girlfriend. This is a very morose looking woman. But, she is also the quintessential progressive Dem: a grass roots activist who worked as a teacher and was active in education issues before her political career."
Russ Feingold (D-WI): "Mr. Integrity. Votes his conscience. Took principled stands against the Iraq War and the Patriot Act when it was politically unpopular to do so. Like Bernie Sanders, he walks the walk. One of the least wealthy members of the Senate."
Sounds good, right? Those are the people Ms Nutcase, good little GOP crackpot that she is, loathes. So who does she like? Ben Nelson, of course:
Ben Nelson: a pro-life moderate who represents a very conservative state. An analysis of his votes found he was more right wing than Gordon Smith, Lincoln Chaffee, Norm Coleman, and Arlen Spector. Tends to co-sponsor bills with the likes of Susan Collins. Helped pass the Bush tax cuts. Was also responsible for the “benchmarks” that Gen. Petraeus kept having to return to Washington to testify to. Thanks a lot “Ben.” President Bush nicknamed him “The Benator.” Not sure why he’s a Democrat. Voted for TARP and then voted against it. 0 Wellstones.
Labels: Ben Nelson, reactionary Democrats, Senate
Actually, President Bush nicknamed him "Nelly", and Nelson went groveling to Bush to give him the name "Benator" instead, because it made him (Nelly) feel tougher.
No, really.
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