Thursday, December 11, 2008

Has anybody asked Governor Rod what it would cost to get him out of the Illinois statehouse?


Governor Rod takes the oath of office for his second
term in January 2007, with the help of wife Patricia

by Ken

I understand all the concern about Gov. Rod Blagojevich continuing in office while out of the slammer on bail, and especially about the prospect of his making a U.S. Senate appointment. Gosh, wouldn't that just be awkward! And I'm as impressed as anyone else by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's success at leading the way with a stern appeal to Governor Rod to stand down, which has now been joined by all the Senate Democrats.

It makes you wonder, though. Have these folks been paying attention?

Surely we know by now how to get Governor Rod's attention. After all, appointing a U.S. senator (or not) and holding onto a governorship are "[expletive] valuable things," no? You don't let things like that go for [expletive] nothing, do you? Certainly not if you're Governor Rod.

Don't the Senate Dems need to find out just what it would cost to get the governor: (a) to refrain from appointing a new senator, and (b) to step down as governor?

Heck, with all those Democratic senators on board, if they divvy up the cost, it should be affordable, wouldn't you think?

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