Thursday, October 23, 2008

McCain's Confused And Confusing Campaign Is Bogged Down And Sinking


Next Sunday's NY Times Magazine features an absolutely devastating piece on the now pointless, divisive, shameful, directionless, chaotic McCain campaign. After the concept of America First was disposed of with the cynical selection of a patently unqualified-- and tragically unvetted-- Wasilla housewife, the campaign morphed into just some kind of vehicle for McCain's blind ambition. It got ugly-- fast. Now McCain is pointing fingers and blaming everyone.

I'm thinking the villain of the piece is chief campaign strategist, Steve Schmidt-- Rove's guy-- who, like McCain, get a thrill out of gambling big time. He has a reputation as a smart guy but he claims the smartest political wisdom he ever heard came from George W Bush. He thinks he would win this if he could just control the narrative... if only the world were really as plastic, scripted, and malleable as the Republican Party imagines it to be! Given his shot to paint McCain a hero in the financial bailout crisis, McCain instead came off as McCan't-- "more like a stymied bystander than a leader who could make a difference. Judging by the polls, the McCain campaign has yet to recover."
Schmidt has been in charge of strategy for the McCain campaign since early this summer, and his effort to prevail in the battle of competing story lines has been considerably more problematic. The selling of a presidential “narrative” the reigning buzz word of this election cycle has taken on outsize significance in an age in which a rush of visuals and catch words can cripple public images overnight... Schmidt and his fellow strategists have had difficulty explaining how America will be better off for electing (as opposed to simply admiring) a stubborn patriot. In seeking to do so, the McCain campaign has changed its narrative over and over. Sometimes with McCain’s initial resistance but always with his eventual approval, Schmidt has proffered a candidate who is variously a fighter, a conciliator, an experienced leader and a shake-’em-up rebel. “The trick is that all of these are McCain,” Matt McDonald, a senior adviser, told me. But in constantly alternating among story lines in order to respond to changing events and to gain traction with voters, the “true character” of a once-crisply-defined political figure has become increasingly murky.

It's a campaign with no philosophy and not even a strategy, just a series of disjointed and confusing, generally unsuccessful, tactics.

Yesterday's Times explained why McCain is faltering-- and faltering badly-- among Hispanic voters he has courted so assiduously. Only about a quarter of Hispanics-- and that includes elderly right-wing Cubans in Florida-- plan to vote for McCain in November. Four years ago Bush took almost 45% of the Hispanic vote. The tactics-- playing the divide and conquer card to foment tension between Latinos and blacks, and playing up social conservatism and his ambiguous, balancing act policies (between GOP nativists and corporatists) on immigration reform-- have all backfired and washed up on the shoals of Republican Party economic catastrophe for working families. Hispanic voters, like all other voters other than blinded religious fanatics, see McCain and his campaign as "up and down and all over the place." McCain confuses them. He confuses everyone. In fact he is confused himself.

Late last night Reuters reported that the newest polling from Zogby is showing an increasing gap between Obama and McCain for voters across the board. Obama now leads McCain by 12 points-- 52 to 40%. Among independent voters, upon whom McCain based his claim to GOP leadership, there is now a 30 point margin and the campaign is unfocussed and floundering. The Public Policy Institute of California poll, also released late last night, shows that California is way out of McCain's grasp-- 56-33% in favor of Obama. (The poll also shows that Californians are probably going to reject the homophobic Prop 8.)

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At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well at least Sarah got what amounts to be the value of a house worth of clothes! The value after the housing crash is over. You know, "the fundamentally great economy" of McSames world. The world where the richest 400 families in the U.S. have gained nearly 700 BILLION DOLLARS more wealth in the past 7 years. Wealth that was spread from 90% of the population, over to the top 1% of the population. The same value that was asked for to bail out the perpetrators of the fraudulent credit default swaps. These CDS by most accounts could total 64 TRILLION in bad paper. This is all fraud and pure theft. Already it has been announced that $70 BILLION DOLLARS is to pay outrageous salaries to the vultures that unleashed this fraud throughout the entire worlds upper investment community. Thus causing a financial crisis and burden that will be placed on the backs of future taxpayers. A generation not even born yet. What cowards these captains of the financial industry have turned out to be!! The bulk of the continuing theft to go to companies that major players in congress are heavily invested. These are McCains friends and the major backers of his campaign, full of slander and incompetence. We THE PEOPLE have had enough, more than ENOUGH! That enough also includes a few higher ups in the Democratic party. The DLC part that includes Pelosi, Rockerfeller and the turncoat Leiberman. McCain has lost his honor by abandoning his own beliefs, to run this hollow of substance and racist charade. The American people are forgiving but not when they are being played as SUCKERS.


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