Can McCain Steal The Election?

God knows they're trying-- primarily by disqualifying hundreds of thousands of voters. What does that say about a political party? That their strategy is not to persuade voters that their positions are best for the country, but to disenfranchise them in as many places as they can. Right now, Republicans are doing all they can to prevent as many people from voting in swing states like Colorado, Virginia, New Mexico, and, of course, Ohio. Just as Diageo comes out with a devastating new national poll showing McCain losing more and more ground the more negative his campaign goes, the Supreme Court, in a 9-6 ruling, may have handed McCain's campaign its death blow by throwing out Republican Party attempts to prevent newly registered voters from voting. What a party! The ScotusBlog has the full story:
The Supreme Court on Friday lifted a federal judge’s order that would have required Ohio election officials to set up new procedures to verify voter registration across the state in the weeks before the Nov. 4 balloting. The unsigned (”Per Curiam”) order is here. The order blunts an effort by the Ohio Republican Party to gain access to registration data that would enable it to challenge voters’ eligibility at polling places.
The state GOP had complained that the Ohio Secretary of State had violated her duty, under federal election procedures law, to share with county election boards the lists of voters whose names in a voter registration database do not match data in the state’s drivers’ license files. The GOP argued that the secretary of state had put a stop to required efforts to pass along the non-matching data so that local election officials could deal with it. Lack of matches could be the basis for challenges.
They won't give up. Cheating is all they have left and this is their livelihood at stake. They will fight and fight and fight and even after they're whipped, they're keep fighting. We must do the same. And we need to keep calling them on their lies and smears and on their hypocrisy. And there is no Republican goon more hypocritical than Gordon Smith (R-OR)-- and I love the way the DSCC highlighted it today:
Labels: election theft, Gordon Smith, immigration, Ohio, Oregon, Supreme Court, voter fraud
"Can McCain Steal The Election?"
Never count out the repubs. They still have Diebold, and doubtless several vote-counting offices. That will be worth at least 5% of the vote, probably more.
But it's beginning to look less likely. Obama made a clean sweep of the debates, with his best showing during the last one.
Even the blatant racists are beginning to calm down and take a second look at him.
And with the recent blizzard of Obama endorsements, the GOP's goose might be cooked.
Of course they can still steal it. This is no time to be complacent. But with the margin as big as it looks like it will be, successful election theft will be difficult.
Now... Assuming Obama wins the election, I hope he can deliver. The country and the world are in a hell of a mess.
Minor quibble:
. . . the Supreme Court, in a 9-6 ruling, may have handed McCain's campaign its death blow by throwing out Republican Party attempts to prevent newly registered voters from voting. What a party . . .
It was a "per curiam" decision. In other words, there was no vote. The unsigned decision was issued for the court; therefore we do not see a box score.
McCain Can Kiss it Goodbye- Ashamed and Dishonorable.............
G. Gordan Liddy is McCain's Ayers--
Take a good look at the PEOPLE that John McCain “associates” with.
John McCain was on the David Letterman show on Thursday and the quote most people have watched is where McCain says “I screwed up”. His body language is that of Oops! But further on into the show McCain then said this. “I’m not in any way embarassed to know Gordon Liddy.”
READ ON: Nixon impeached- America's Honorable Republicans......
Others included plotting to murder journalist Jack Anderson; plotting with a “gangland figure” to murder Howard Hunt to stop him from cooperating with investigators; plotting to firebomb the Brookings Institution; and plotting to kidnap “leftist guerillas” at the 1972 Republican National Convention, kidnapping anti-war activists and transporting them to Mexico and arranging call girls to catch Democrats in compromising situations.
Liddy is most famous for the break in at the Watergate Hotel. Basically, the “plumbers” were caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters housed at the Watergate hotel. Their intention was to bug the phones and put in a “room monitoring device”.
Liddy was sentenced to over 21 years in prison. He served four and a half years in prison after being convicted of conspiracy, burglary and illegal wiretapping. Liddy’s sentence was commuted by President Carter.
sorry that I am so naive, but I did not know that Mrs Cindy McCain is the president of a 300 million per year alcohol company.
Can she figure in the quest for MADD as she does for others? Thanks
While I tend to discount conspiracy theories, I don't put anything past the GOP. I would argue that they stole the 2000 election, thanks for Katherine Harris. Then, they stole the 2004 election, thanks to Diebold. And I'm sure they are trying to steal this election, and I would imagine that most efforts at election theft will be concentrated in PA this year. The worst part is that they might get away with it (again). But I have to say that if McCain does *not* steal the election, that will be the biggest piece of evidence so far that he is, in fact, different from W.
Of course they are going to steal it. McCain guaranteed he'd win tonight. Said it would be tight, up all night (voter irregularities). Sounded rather like a statement-like W saying he's confident he'd win in 04 a few days before. Maybe come down to a few votes will decide it. How dumb do you have to be to realize that out of millions of people voting, the changes of things being tied or within a few hundred votes are nil, zero. Of course the media is helping by lying: the polls are almost dead equal now. Sure. Obama will loose, due to fraud, tossed votes, reprogrammed memory sticks (haha-dummies), Diebold machines that switch votes, intimidation, purge lists, power outages, general chaos in black neighborhoods. et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
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