More Mike McCaul Twitterings
At one time I might have called this series of posts the Mike McCaul Watch but it isn't really McCaul himself we're following here; it's his inane and childish notes on Twitter, especially the #dontgo circus routine he's part of. After we first started following him, he changed his logo, although I'm hoping he didn't go to the trouble on our behalf:

McCaul can be summed up in one not so short sentence: married the daughter of Clear Channel's CEO, got one of the DeLay gerrymandered districts, rubber stamped every single failed policy Bush ever proposed (no exceptions) and takes huge bribes-- called "contributions" inside the Beltway-- from special interests and then votes for whatever they want no matter how badly it impacts his constituents, Big Oil's $107,934 "donation," juxtaposed with the price of gasoline being Exhibit A.
Blue America has endorsed his opponent, populist Democrat Larry Joe Doherty and we encourage everyone to donate $5 every time McCaul twitters. Here's his latest (since the last time we brought you up to date):
MikeMcCaul Texas Observer found out the best TV moment of my Stump at the Pump in was a setup! That's OK. Real voters don’t read liberal web pages. 05:54 PM August 07, 2008
MikeMcCaul The house chamber is totally scary with nobody here and the lights off. I hope those tourists #dontgo. I dont want to be hear all by myself! 06:30 AM August 08, 2008
MikeMcCaul @downwithtyranny - you silly liberal. PS - can you and your friends fax your gas reciepts to me? 08:39 AM August 08, 2008 from Twittelator in reply to downwithtyranny
MikeMcCaul Just noticed on the official house schedule they list this as the "Summer District Work Period," not "Summer Vacation." Huh. 10:54 AM August 08, 2008
MikeMcCaul Playing with an intern's iphone. These things are GREAT - Dell ought to promote 'em more; I haven't seen one single ad! 11:23 AM August 08, 2008
MikeMcCaul Thinking about asking the leadership if I can #dontgo back to Austin for the weekend. Already slid my reciepts under Pelpsi's door. 09:37 PM August 08, 2008
Don't forget to keep donating to Doherty. On Tuesday his FEC report came out and it shows that his grassroots support have netted him more campaign cash than all of McCaul's corporate bribes in the past quarter.
Labels: Big Oil, Larry Joe Doherty, McCaul, rubber stamp Republicans, Texas
Oh wow, how I love the misuse of "here" and "hear".
I can't help but wonder if when all these tweeting pols will have their whole Twitter history put under the microscope when they seek higher office down the line.
Oh my.
Confessions must be made.
These aren't the real twitterings of the real Michael McCaul, but faux twitterings of a faux McCaul, brought to you by the McCaul Retort.
Hopefully through the changes we've made to our Twitter profile, we've made it excruciatingly clear we're satirizing the Real McCaul, who we still regard as a faux representative.
(We liked the unintentional hear/here as well, so we left it.) :-)
Damn! I was having fun following McCaul and thinking he was even more of an imbecile that his voting record shows him to be! I have to admit sometimes it was a little too good to me true!
We do hope you'll continue to follow MikeMcCaul's Faux Twitters. We've been having a bit of fun with them, despite the fact that there are other, better, things we could be accomplishing in lieu of Twittering.
Perhaps a name change for the Twitter feed is in order, just to make it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's not the real McCaul satirizing himself, but merely some disgruntled constituents. One of whom may, indeed, be an imbecile.
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