Friday, August 08, 2008

A footnote to Howie's post (below) about blatantly illegal McCranky campaign fund-raising: Say, gang, let's play "If the shoe was on the other foot"!


[C'mon, you know the drill: Click to enlarge.]

by Ken

I was just reading Howie's post below containing some of the more squalid new revelations about the fiscal debauchery of the McCranky campaign, solidly in the tradition of the candidate's personal history of financial sleaze, and my first response was: Goddamn, the slimy son of a bitch is going to get away with it!

Not so much from a legal standpoint, though I think he'll probably get away with it that way too. You know, maybe eventually pay some paltry fines ordered by the FEC -- after he's moved into the White House. No, the sumbitch is gonna get away scot-free, because the public just doesn't care about this technical crap like campaign-finance violations.

So here we are in our little corner of the political universe, working ourselves into a lather over these vile misdeeds. The likelihood remains, though, that until some security camera catches Senator McCranky in the act of personally robbing a bank or convenience store, which isn't bloody likely given that the lovely Cindy could just put that bank or convenience store on her American Express card, the public just won't give a damn. All most voters hear is "politicians blah-blah money blah-blah improprieties," and to them it's "same old same old, they're all on the take, don't bother me."

That, as I say, was my first response. My second response was to imagine, as I imagine you too have imagined frequently since the onset of the Age of Bush:

What if the shoe was on the other foot?

From the morass of McCranky campaign finance depradations, pick out the absolutely most trivial allegation that's been raised, and then imagine that being even rumored about, say, a Democrat. Within hours the entire Right-Wing Noise Machine would be on alert, shrilling in cacaphonous unison. You know, Comedian Rush, and Billo, and the whole mangy brigade of clown-suited Fox Noisemakers. For days, or weeks, or if necessary months we would be hearing about it 24/7. Why, that quarterly report that was turned in an hour past the deadline, it would represent an immediate threat to the very existence of the United States of America -- just what we would expect from those America-hating liberals.

Are you going to sit there and tell me you can't already hear the brain-dead bellowing of that spawn of Satan Sean Hannity? The chances are awfully good that within a couple of weeks a large chunk of the American electorate would know deep in its gut that that miserable terrorist-loving (shudder) Democrat is a damned crook who'd be swinging from a gallows if there were any justice in the world.

No moral here -- unless you choose to extract one. Me, I'm just saying.

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At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you heard where anthrax-attack suspect Bruce Ivins had connexions with the so-called "American Family Association" as may have influenced his choice of targets all the while?

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey guys where is your John Edwards had an affair coverage?? What no time??? Dog ate your homework?? More pressing matters to smear?? If McCain had one you guys would be all over it like a hemorrhoid...

At 8:46 PM, Blogger tech98 said...

If McCain had one you guys would be all over it like a hemorrhoid...

McCain did have one, hemorrhoid. He's admitted cheating on his first wife with numerous women. I failed to notice any screeches of outrage from the 'family values' party that their candidate is a self-admitted adulterous man-slut.

The NYT reported allegations of a recent McCain affair, but the media have studiously ignored it, their mouths too stuffed with BBQ sauce.

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Feral as unusual,

This site, and I might add me, was total between the sheets for John Edwards not so long ago.
Anyone of us here ( Feral too probably) would have rolled over for little Johnny if he had chosen us.

I hear that Howie has retreated to a cave somewhere in the Russian River Valley under the advice of a macro/wine-nutritionist and EXTREME massage therapist.

(Feral, I am sure you know ALL the little blue pills couldn't help Grandpa Fred:)

(Maybe Johnny can switch and replace McSame b4 they replace him in (Minneapolis-Michele Bachmann- WHAT A FLAKE) Minnesota as a YOUNGER ADULTERER.


At 9:46 PM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...

I don't know why you guys are so interested in this. I'm not at all. The only story I read was one news account where he admitted that he had an affair and that he lied about it and then Elizabeth Edwards' account at Daily Kos. It doesn't fascinate me but thank God he's not the nominee. If anyone has anything interesting and novel to say about this prosaic story that isn't already on every other website, please post it here and either Ken or I will put it on the front page.

At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right as always Howie.
This isn't funny and certainly not front page news.I feel for John's family.

Maybe John could STILL be Attorney General?

From what I am reading she was quite the party girl so maybe no court would convict him?
Although he DOES lose points for getting caught.
What was that Michael Douglas line in Basic Instinct?


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