Saturday, July 26, 2008

How Dangerous To American Democracy Is Rahm Emanuel?


Rahm Emanuel was out trolling the Internet today, trying to get unsuspecting Democrats to send him their money so he can guarantee that George Bush's reactionary policies live on after he is tossed onto the garbage heap of history. Emanuel's disingenuous spam came from the DCCC and starts like this:
100 days from today, we can end the Congressional careers of every single Republican who stands ready to help John McCain continue the Bush-Cheney policies for another four years.

And what about the congressional careers of Democrats who stand ready to help continue the Bush-Cheney policies for another four years, Democrats like Rahm Emanuel? Emanuel is the #3 or 4 ranked Democrat in the House leadership, depending how you count. He controls caucus messaging and a great deal-- with his crony Steny Hoyer-- of institutional money that flows in to the House Democrats. Yesterday the Wall Street Journal, without even mentioning Emanuel's name, explains the depth of corruption that allows politicians like Emanuel to control political parties.

DWT has mentioned Rahm Emanuel once or twice before. Although he was the chief fundraiser for the mayoral campaign of Chicago Democratic boss Richard Daley in 1989 and worked as a fundraiser for Bill Clinton's presidential campaign, he first came to national prominence as the Clinton Regime operative-- a sort of lower key version of Karl Rove-- tasked with delivering enough Democratic votes to make sure the anti-union NAFTA bill passed the House in 1993. Although he had been unsuccessful in his first big job-- pushing through national health care-- he was able to buy off enough Democrats, and threaten enough others, so that the hated and disastrous NAFTA legislation passed. Before claiming his spoils-- a rotten borough congressional seat in Chicago-- Emanuel pivoted, briefly into the "private sector" for a cush investment banking job at Dresdener Kleinwort Wasserstein-- a 3 year stint that "earned" him $20 million and provided all the financing he would need for a political career.

When another corrupt political hack from the Daley Machine, Congressman Rod Blagojevich (currently on the verge of impeachment as Illinois governor), gave up a depopulated House seated slated for extinction, Daley saved the seat, by claiming, ironically, that all the undocumented residents, needed a representative too. (Emanuel has gone on to be a nightmare for undocumented immigrants.) Emanuel stole the 2002 primary, with the help of the Daley Machine (and criminal elements like his pal Don Tomczak), from progressive Democrat Nancy Kaszak. He supported Bush's attack on Iraq and still supports the Iraq occupation today. Last month he and Hoyer led enough Democrats across the aisle to vote with the Republicans and keep the Iraq War going. A few days later-- as the single biggest recipient of Telecom "donations"-- Emanuel led another minority of Democrats across the aisle to give Bush warrantless wiretapping powers and retroactive immunity for his (and Emanuel's) campaign contributors.

If those two votes aren't an indication that Rahm Emanuel would-- from a high perch within the Democratic leadership-- continue the Bush-Cheney policies for another four years, I don't know what is. As chair of the DCCC-- and now in de facto control of its recruitment efforts-- Emanuel has worked diligently to defeat grassroots and progressive Democrats and elect reactionary corporatist rubber stamps. His real caucus is the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- Democrats like Heath Shuler (NC-one of Emanuel's only real "successes" in 2006), Tim Mahoney (FL-another one Rahm deserves the "credit" for), Jason Altmire (PA), Nick Lampson (TX), Joe Donnelly (IN), Brad Ellsworth (IN), Baron Hill (IN), Harry Mitchell (AZ), Chris Carney (PA), Gabby Giffords (AZ), all Democratic freshmen who have voted more frequently with the GOP than with the Democrats on contentious, substantive matters in the 2007-2008 session.

Donating grassroots money to corrupt, corporatist Insiders like Emanuel is a surefire way to guarantee a continuation of the worst of the Bush Regime policies long after he's just a very bad memory. Emanuel lusts for the speakership and if the grassroots doesn't stop him, no one will. Emanuel had no primary opponent and in November he will face an unfunded, self-described "liberal Republican," Tom Hanson and a Green Party opponent, Alan Augustson. A better choice might be to just write in "No Rahm."

And instead of giving any money to the DCCC, please consider donating to individual progressive canddiates who will be independent of bosses like Rahm Emanuel. You can find a list of some of those candidates at the Blue America ActBlue page.

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At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I only give money to individual candidates. That way I KNOW where the money is going and that the candidate has ideas I feel are sound.

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for the mention.

I'm doing everything I can on my end, but it's difficult to get the word out when the local media have me locked out. I cannot get my message or activities into the local media, period. Could they have been paid off by Rahm? Impossible to say, though I certainly wouldn't put it past him or them. After all, Chicago isn't so much a two-party town as a one-party town.

Internet resources aren't going to cut it because most voters don't "research" their candidates. They go with the perceptions they formulate (right or wrong) by watching TV.

I need to raise some campaign funds so that I can purchase ad space in the local alternative weeklies, ethnic-community newspapers, and mass-transit systems. I hope you'll feel free to check me out, through my website, and spread the word around if you like what you hear.

thanks --

Alan Augustson
Green Party for Congress 2008

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to support individual candidates. If everyone gives a little and what they can we may have hope. We need hope and we need change.

Remove the Republicans including the Republican supporters. Hoyer, Emmanuel, Reid, Pelosi, and the Bush Dog democrats. Give support to candidates who represent the people.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Nonfactor said...

I could not agree more. The DCCC and the DSCC are parts of the problem, not the solution, and I have also cut ties with both organizations. Support for individual candidates is an important element of fixing the corporatist mess that's currently occupying Capitol Hill.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Plisko said...

The problem with the netroots is that they are trying to bring people into congress from the margins. These people then get in and are overwhelmed by institutional democrats like Pelosi and Hoyer.

What the netroots needs to be doing is focusing all resources into discrediting the inside leadership in their districts.

I'll take a commercial spelling out his corrupt thinking running for two straight years in Emmanual's district over two winning "Blue America" candidates any day.

Instead we send freshmen with no caucus power and no clout into the lions den and wonder why Democrats are still letting us down.

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I agree with much of what was said about Rahm Emanuel and his ilk. The problem is like that here in Arizona. Yes Harry Mitchell does vote often but not always with the Republicans but then he was elected from a rightwing Mormon dominated district in Arizona where no "Progressive" Democratic canidate will be elected and where I will be surprised if Harry Mitchell is re-elected from. You may want to destroy it all in hopes of an ideologically pure Progessive Democratic party but I will not. I want as many Democratic candidates as possible elected in hopes of undoing some of the catastrophic mess that the Rightwing republican traitors have made, and the only way this can be done is by electing some conservative Democratic canidates in conservative districts also.

At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he is very you can see rahm and Obama are running the same take down of America game.they work for globalist banking cartel whicah are foreign and do not care about constitutional rahm comes from a father that was a terrorist and Obama a communist.they both lie,decieve,manipulate to progress the agenda.thats what progressives do.progress for the one world government agenda.our whole government has been infiltrated and the military industrial complex.its just a matter of time before American blood spills across America.


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