I hope you like the Steny Hoyer ads we're running. We'll share the John Barrow ads with you soon.

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Here's the alphabetical list of the Democrats who voted against the Constitution today. None of these members will be eligible for Blue America endorsement, of course. All of the current Blue America incumbent endorsees-- Tom Allen, Steve Cohen, Donna Edwards, John Hall, Jerry Nadler, Carol Shea-Porter and Hilda Solis-- voted NO... and loudly. Here's the list of the Democratic congressmembers who disgraced our party and our nation today:
Gary Ackerman (NY)
Jason Altmire (PA)
Mike Arcuri (NY)
Joe Baca (CA)
Brian Baird (WA)
John Barrow (GA)
Melissa Bean (IL)
Shelley Berkley (NV)
Howard Berman (CA)
Marion Berry (AR)
Sanford Bishop (GA)
Tim Bishop (NY)
Dan Boren (OK)
Leonard Boswell (IA)-- don't say we didn't warn you
Rick Boucher (VA)
Allen Boyd (FL)
Nancy Boyda (KS)
Corrine Brown (FL)
G.K. Butterfield (NC)
Dennis Cardoza (CA)
Chris Carney (PA)
Kathy Castor (FL)
Don Cazayoux (LA)
Ben Chandler (KY)
Travis Childers (MS)
Emanuel Cleaver (MO)
Jim Clyburn (SC)
Jim Cooper (TN)
Jim Costa (CA)
Bud Cramer (AL)
Joe Crowley (NY)
Henry Cuellar (TX)
Artur Davis (AL)
Lincoln Davis (TN)
Norm Dicks (WA)
Joe Donnelly (IN)
Chet Edwards (TX)
Brad Ellsworth (IN)
Rahm Emanuel (IL)
Eliot Engel (NY)
Bob Etheridge (NC)
Gabby Giffords (AZ)
Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)
Bart Gordon (TN)
Al Green (TX)
Gene Green (TX)
Luis Gutierrez (IL)
Jane Harman (CA)- short memory
Alcee Hastings (FL)
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD)
Brian Higgins (NY)
Ruben Hinojosa (TX)
Tim Holden (PA)
Steny Hoyer (MD)
Paul Kanjorski (PA)
Dale Kildee (MI)
Ron Kind (WI)
Ron Klein (FL)
Nick Lampson (TX)
James Langevin (RI)
Dan Lipinski (IL)
Nita Lowey (NY)
Tim Mahoney (FL)
Jim Marshall (GA)
Jim Matheson (UT)
Carolyn McCarthy (NY)
Mike McIntyre (NC)
Jerry McNerney (CA)
Gregory Meeks (NY)
Charlie Melancon (LA)
Harry Mitchell (AZ)
Dennis Moore (KS)
Patrick Murphy (PA)
Jack Murtha (PA)
Solomon Ortiz (TX)
Nancy "Of the Table" Pelosi (CA)
Ed Perlmutter (CO)
Collin Peterson (MN)
Earl Pomeroy (ND)
Nick Rahall (WV)
Silvestre Reyes (TX)
Laura Richardson (CA)
Ciro Rodriguez (TX)
Mike Ross (AR)
Dutch Ruppersberger (MD)
John Salazar (CO)
Adam Schiff (CA)
David Scott (GA)
Joe Sestak (PA)
Brad Sherman (CA)
Heath Shuler (NC)
Albio Sires (NJ)
Ike Skelton (MO)
Adam Smith (WA)
Vic Snyder (AR)
Zach Space (OH)
John Spratt (SC)
Bart Stupak (MI)
John Tanner (TN)
Ellen Tauscher (CA)
Gene Taylor (MS)
Bennie Thompson (MS)
MARK Udall (CO)
Charlie Wilson (OH)
John Yarmuth (KY)
Glenn has a lot more about this at Salon and Crooks and Liars spells out Obama's position (don't be too shocked but he's not completely with us).
Labels: Blue America, FISA, retroactive immunity, Steny Hoyer
Do you know what is really sad? Artur Davis has been mentioned as a possible AG in the Obama Presidency. He's in a D+12 district for Pete's sake. He's also DLC. Ugh!!
What's this I hear about Obama supporting the FISA bill??
Say it ain't so!!
Obama says he thinks there are a lot of important things in the bill that make the situation better and that when it comes up in the Senate he will offer an amendment to take out retroactive immunity
Frankly, I haven't heard of anything useful in that bill. Aren't they already able to get a search warrant, with next to zero effort? (And hasn't that been true for many years?) What else could possibly be needed?
While we're on the subject, why does no one ever question Bush's assertion that such illegal spying has prevented terrorist attacks? Bush lies about everything all the time; why not this?
And what about the illegal wiretapping BEFORE 9/11???
If Obama offers that amendment, what will he do when (I didn't say "if", because it won't happen) that amendment is defeated? Will he protect the Fourth Amendment by filibustering the bill? That is what a leader and a patriot would do.
Or will he cave, thereby himself to be just another politician?
I gotta learn to use that Preview button, fix my typos.
I contributed in 2006 to campaigns of Arcuri, Boyda, Donnelly, Sestak, Mahoney (although I read that he voted against), McNerney, Patrick Murphy, Gillibrand, Ellsworth, and more. All were on the ActBlue page. I won't be contributing to their campaigns in the future and I hope ActBlue deciders will remove their names from future support. The vote today was a defining vote. If members of Congress do not understand that their oath is to defend and protect the Constitution, they should not be in Congress. We do need better Democrats, and these folks are not better.
Let me explain ActBlue to you. It's a system of payments-- something like paypal-- for Democrats (good Democrats, bad Democrats, ugly Democrats... any Democrats). There are no deciders. They just make it possible for people to donate to candidates running as Democrats.
Please don't mix that up with BLUE AMERICA, the PAC this blog helped found and run. Many of those people you mentioned would never have a snowball's chance in hell of getting on the Blue America endorsement list. And the ones who did-- and then went on to become Blue Dogs-- were immediately removed. Look at the list of who we endorsed. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM VOTED NO.
And we had been toying with the idea of endorsing Mark and Tom Udall. Tom, voted NO today and is still a probable pick. Mark just disqualified himself by joining Bush and Hoyer and voting to do harm to America.
I think Patrick Murphy and Jerry McNerny have left us forever. It's too bad...I read a book written by Patrick about his successful campaign against Michael Fitzpatrick and I remembered the days when he had a much better voting record. Sigh.
I suspect it's too late for this, but the phone number on the ad should be Hoyer's Majority Leader office, not his member office. His member office is responsible for representing the good people of Southern Maryland, and will not record calls from people outside the district. The Majority Leader's office on the other hand, is responsible to all Democrats--and it's in his capacity as Majority Leader that Hoyer was involved in this issue.
Again, probably too late to make the change, but the correct phone number is 202-225-3130. Just want to make sure your calls get to the right place.
Note: Obama is just a politician.
Also, Rahm Emanuel is a politician from Illinois not California.
Obama is running for president. Oh when oh when will he find time to work on his senate duties?
He blew this one...too!
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