
Historians and political scientists recognize that McCain has virtually no chance to win the presidency. That's probably why his campaign-- waged by greed-obsessed, amoral lobbyist surrogates-- will be the most vicious and negative in contemporary political history-- something that was recognized by Mark McKinnon, McCain's chief media strategist, who took one look at the plan and fled the Double Talk Express in horror. McCain's campaign-- not the "official one," of course, but the real campaign the lobbyists have plotted out with him-- is so divisive and so disgusting that the man who ran the media operations for both Bush campaigns couldn't bring himself to participate in it!
Earlier today we met Nurse Debra Bartoshevich from Racine, a confused "Democrat" who was so obsessed with Hillary Clinton's... gender? experience? skin color?... something, that she has decided to support McCain. There aren't many like her since most KKK sympathizers left the Democratic Party during the Nixon years. But of course Nurse Debra doesn't site Obama's hue-- probably not even to herself-- as her reason for jumping ship. Instead, groping for a reason, this self-described "devoted Democrat" is enjoying her 15 minutes of fame by channeling GOP talking points, chanting Jeremiah Wright and Tony Rezko and was quoted in a local newspaper saying, “I just feel you need to have somebody who has experience with foreign matters.” Perhaps if she didn't spend so much time watching Fox News and listening to hate talk radio, she would be more aware of the nature of John McCain's "experience with foreign matters."
Perhaps the Hillary Clinton advisor who has the most impressive credentials of "foreign matters," or at least foreign military "matters," is General Wes Clark. Just as Nurse Debra was looking around for some newspapers to make her this week's anti-hero, General Clark was assessing the security credentials of the good nurse's new candidate.

"I know he's trying to get traction by seeking to play to what he thinks is his strong suit of national security. The truth is that, in national security terms, he's largely untested and untried. He's never been responsible for policy formulation. He's never had leadership in a crisis, or in anything larger than his own element on an aircraft carrier or [in managing] his own congressional staff. It's not clear that this is going to be the strong suit that he thinks it is.... McCain's weakness is that he's always been for the use of force, force and more force. In my experience, the only time to use force is as a last resort. ... When he talks about throwing Russia out of the G8 and makes ditties about bombing Iran, he betrays a disrespect for the office of the presidency.... Republicans like to focus on the threat, on fear, on insecurities. It's what motivates their base. As Democrats, we focus on hope and possibilities in the future. So the two parties are asymmetrical. And because the two parties are different, it makes the national security [issue] play differently to both parties. But I think we have to point out the failures and shortcomings of the current approach. In the foreign policy arena, John McCain has pretty much bought the central thrust of the Bush administration's foreign policies: relying on threat and bluster [and] isolating people we don't agree with instead of engaging them."
Nurse Debra won't be hearing about that kind of experience with foreign matters on Fox. MSNBC, however, interviewed General Clark this week and perhaps people who have been brainwashed by the Republican corporate media ought to watch it... carefully:
No relation to Nurse Debra, but it might be interesting to take note of the fact that even Democrats in Arkansas (Wes Clark's home state), who were quite attached to their former first lady, are pulling together behind Obama. "The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Arkansas shows John McCain leading Barack Obama 48% to 39%. That’s a stunning improvement for Obama who trailed by twenty-four points a month ago. This is most likely a direct result of the former Clinton supporters accepting Obama now that he has clinched the nomination. Nationally, Obama has enjoyed a modest bounce since winning that prize."
Labels: Wes Clark, Why McCain will lose
Most of your facts are just plain wrong. You give no sources and obstensibly call this an article? If you haven't forgotten Wes Clark supported Hillary Clinton, not Barack Hussein Obama.
Use of Obama's middle name shows you to be a racist. Since Obama is a Christian, why the mention of the middle name; except for the fact is sounds "foreign" and non-white.
McCain's flip-flopping on the issues and his direct contradiction of his previous stated policies are enough to rule out his "experience".
I never thought much of Wes Clark as a potential running mate for Obama -- he fell in with Hillary far too early, and he has never seemed to be able to do the street fighting that's going to be necessary. But this takes McCain on mano-a-mano. Now I'm thinking he'd be one of many good choices.
As for colin, well, the idiots are coming out so fast and furious that my American Idiot Watch feature can't keep up with it. As I read this article, you didn't say anywhere that Clark supported Obama at the outset. But he does now.
"You give no sources and obstensibly call this an article"
you are F*&%ing kidding me?
he included a video of Wes Clark HIMSELF agreeing with it..
any yahoo can go to google an look up copys of that article
you present no facts of your own and you call that some sort of defense for McCain? he never said he was in support of Obama (he may now of then but made no mention) he was working to diparage McCain as a bad president.. i don't care if Obama's a good one (there's more candidates out there you know) but i know you shouldn't vote for McCain
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