
Dan Boren, courtesy of Photo Tune
I just got off the phone with Kevin Coleman, the Grove, Oklahoma man challenging reactionary Democrat Dan Boren in the July 29 primary. Jane was at my house one time when someone running for the Democratic nomination to challenge California's most corrupt member of Congress, Jerry Lewis, called to ask for a Blue America endorsement. Jane was blogging while I talked with him on the phone and she wasn't paying close attention, but she was rolling on the floor laughing when she heard me ask the candidate why he was running as a Democrat instead of a Republican. After 15 minutes on the phone with Kevin, I asked him the same question. And he had a good answer.
First and foremost, Kevin seems like a sincere, forthright and "regular" guy. He had never heard the term "populist" when I told him that the economic policies he was espousing were pure populism, but I was very encouraged to hear him railing against the Republican agenda of so-called "free" trade and special treatment for the special interests. His economic concerns reflect the basic concerns of the vast majority of working American families. His analysis of how Bush got into office offering one thing and then turning around and doing something else-- both in terms of the economy and in terms of foreign policy (especially Iraq)-- was similar to what most American voters seem to be thinking these days.
I was so encouraged after hearing this, thinking that perhaps Blue America could get behind another populist Democrat and help him get rid of corporatist Dan Boren, that I started asking him the standard questions I ask all the candidates we endorse at Blue America. After the first two, I realized I was barking up the wrong tree. Kevin is convinced, absolutely sincerely, that the cells that result from conception are children and that the state is obligated to protect the children from irresponsible women who want to kill them. OK... and then came a few lines about God creating Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
When I asked Kevin why he decided to run as a Democrat instead of a Republican, he took the question very seriously and he had a good, solid answer about how Bush came into the presidency wearing a white hat and how that hat is now stained red with blood. Kevin feels very let down by the GOP and by the tenor of the federal government and by what passes for American political leadership. I had the impression, though, that he gets an awful lot of his information from conspiracy-oriented web sites and from Hate Talk radio. I asked him if he listens to radio. He does-- all day. He's in construction work, remodeling homes and he has the radio on. He listens to Neil Boortz, Limbaugh, and Hannity. And then the final show of the day is hosted by his favorite talk-jock of all, "a kindred spirit," he told me: Michael Savage.
Labels: Dan Boren, homophobia, Kevin Coleman, Oklahoma, reactionary Democrats
I randomly stumbled upon this blog. Good stuff. I've never heard of this Kevin Coleman guy. You seem to be on top of things. I hear that there is a buzz on the web about Amma, the Hugging Saint. She is going to LA next week to hug people and give them her blessings. Turns out that she is violating a boycott and that is not making hotel workers happy. Anyways, this is huge, I think. Check out:
kevin here,
thanks howie for your time, about talk radio yes i listen to it "hate speech", i do not agree with it 100%. it is one venue that alows me to understand what is on peoples mind please forgive me only human!!
generally speaking, the average joe out there in hate speech land is giving government a second look!
what the hell is going on is what i hear. the weather? gas prices? a federal government filled with evil lying spirits!!! and on and on.
in my view as i look at the big pitcher it seems clear to me that money is god in government. forsale to the any bidder or jack abramoff's clients any news here? no!
america is set up in theory so that the state serves the people?
the reality howevery in my opinion is very different!!!??? !!!
we the people are like a cash crop. we are harvested i.e. taxes to feed the state. we work 6 months out of 12 to pay the states bills with little or not input in it "government affairs".
2008 we the people serve the state. i support the notion that the state is the servent of the people, i.e. the people rule.
yes america is better then them but it needs leadership now. it has many areas or opportunity to make laws that benefit we the people first here in america, then other countries second.
my stand and reason i am running for congress is: to work with congress in the system with the objective to give the federal government back to joe blow. its his tax money, its his will, its his country thats the law.
together we can stop the global government movement,howie america will fight the NWO! its in our blood its in our spirit its why i am running for congress.
kevin coleman grove oklahoma
Go, Kevin, go! Hopefully Kevin will be up on ActBlue in a few days. He's certainly a refreshing change of pace from kool-aid drinking corporatist Danny Boren.
While I strongly disagree with Kevin's positions on social issues, he seems like a very genuine person, who genuinely cares about his country. And he's absolutely right about the war and economic elitism that have characterized the Bush administration. It just goes to show the realignment we're in the midst of. We may never resolve the culture war issues, but an increasing majority of people seem to be in agreement that these issues are relatively unimportant.
Kevin still has some work to do.
I would suggest the first step would be changing the radio dial and tuning in to the 21st century and seeing what being a progressive is all about. It might be helpful for him to also meet some gay people, people of color and non-fundie Christians, Hindus and Free Thinkers. We need more AND BETTER Democrats, not more Blue Dogs. The one last suggestion I would make would be for him to travel outside of this country to get a better world view. The sun does not revolve around eastern Oklahoma, but around the entire earth and all of its citizens. We need a person to run that when they take the oath of office, they understand that they are working for all of the people in their district and their vote has the potential to effect all of mankind.
Is Dan Boren an emu rancher?
After receiving a phone call from Boren telling me he had no jurisdiction to help the Oklahoma people. And then 5 months later receiving a block letter from his office telling me if he could be of any assistance let him know. Pretty much said Dan Boren is ready for a change also.
A couple of questions for Kevin. I read your questionnaire answers on Project VoteSmart and I wanted a bit of clarification.
You advocate eliminating all government programs and agencies not explicitly named in the Constitution. I can understand that approach. Where I have a problem is that you then completely disregard the First Amendment which states "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
As you advocate the teaching of the Bible in public schools, I wonder how you reconcile your Constitutional leanings with the intent of the framers. Jefferson and Madison, the two principal architects of the Constitution would certainly not have agreed with your interpretation.
Further, while I agree with your stance on gun rights, I think you are being disingenuous when you only quote a portion of the second amendment. You say the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed but do not quote the preceding clause that says "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state..." When reading the whole amendment in context, it would seem to say that the right to keep and bear arms is predicated on mandatory service in the National Guard.
You also say Roe v. Wade should be struck down but you don't give any Constitutional basis for that statement. I'd be interested in your reasoning.
I would also be interested to learn how you intend to be able to pay off the national debt using a flat tax. Earlier in the questionnaire, you say you would lower taxes on those earning less than $40,000 a year, yet a flat tax would increase the taxes on that segment of the population. Further, elimination of inheritance, capital gains and corporate taxes would decimate the treasury even further. How do you reconcile these discrepancies?
How can you support elimination of the Department of Education and then call for new public school programs? You are eliminating the agency that would administer the very program you propose.
Finally, you seem to reject the idea that human activity is a contributor to global climate change, saying there is no "evidance" (sic). I would submit to you that there is very good evidence and ask you to present your evidence to the contrary.
All in all, Mr. Coleman, while I appreciate you taking the time to run for office, it seems to me that you would be more suited to a Republican/Libertarian party than a Democrat and I can't help but wonder if you have taken this on strictly as a way to force Rep. Boren (of who I am admittedly no great fan) to spend money in a primary, thus weakening him for the general election.
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