Bulletin from the "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" Dept.: Chimpy the Prez threatens to write a book

"[I]n an interview with the Observer, Bush said he's thinking about writing a memoir.
"'I'm going to think about that, yes -- writing a book,' he said, adding that he also planned to build a 'freedom institute' along with his presidential library at Southern Methodist University."
--Chimpy the Prez, in London, quoted by Dan Eggen in today's Washington Post
Meanwhile, our Chimpy was telling Rupert Murdoch's Times, speaking of the run-up to the invasion of Iraq:
"I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric," he said, adding that phrases such as "bring them on" or "dead or alive" may have "indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace."
Both thunderbolts seem to call for comment of some sort, but I'm rendered speechless.
Labels: Chimpy at Windsor Castle, Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth II
I don't think the Presidential Library at SMU is a done deal yet. I've been reading some articles that even people in Texas don't want to be involved in any way with Bush. Besides, what would be in his Presidential library? I doubt there is any presidential correspondence since most of it would come back to haunt him(and earn him time at The Hague).
Both thunderbolts seem to call for comment of some sort, but I'm rendered speechless.
Silly, you should have seen enough of that Republican alternate universe by now to have built up a resistance and not be affected by it.
I think the peak of the blight was somewhere around 2002-2003.
"Up is down", "black is white", the "Clean air initiative", "No-child-left-behind", "Chimpy can so write a book", bloody dubya's a "man of peace". On and on.
You have to be more careful, if you allow them to stun you with one of those Alt/Uni comments then you're helpless for a few moments and they suck out your brain.
You MUST protect yourself. Re-build your resistance by watching old Bush/Cheney speeches, and old Tim Russert interviews before you go back out there. Be careful......
Writing a book? Someone must have given him a new box of crayons.
Correct jts, the "Bush Library" is NOT a done deal. Here is a website with a still ongoing petition and fight against this.
SMU has been attacked from all sides. The Methodist church was early and SOLIDLY against the Iraq invasion. NOW they are being attacked by a political wing of their own church that WANTS this library at SMU so they can continue the history re-write of the Bush2 presidency. It includes a THINK TANK! Is that a nightmare scenario for SMU and Methodists (all christians) or what?
VERY nice people, I get an email update about once a month on the fight. Major signers are bishops and methodist ministers WORLDWIDE.
Please Post/Repost on other sites.
Whenever authoritarian secrecy-torture-warrantless wiretapping-aggressive war Chimp blathers about 'freedumb', I'm reminded of a president of Brazil who was once quoted as saying:"
I will bring freedom to this country, and anyone who opposes me I will jail, I will crush."
To paraphrase Lewis Black: Where does one get the drugs that can make one so delusional?
Bush, not a man of peace? Why would anyone think that?
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