Sunday, April 20, 2008



Last cycle one of our early endorsements went to Rick Penberthy, a school teacher and progressive military vet who wanted to take on rubber stamp Republican kook Ginny Brown-Waite. Rick kept telling me that we should also get behind another Fighting Dem, Dave Bruderly, running in FL-06 against far right extremist Cliff Stearns. Dave wound up making significant headway against Stearns-- better than he had done in 2002 or 2004-- but this year he is supporting Tim Cunha's attempt to dislodge Stearns. This morning at candidates' forum, November Victory, Dave wrote up another example of DCCC failure to reach out and assist grassroots campaigns-- or to even respond to candidates who reach out to  them. He thinks it's time for drastic action.
What we are seeing at the DCCC is a failure of old guard leadership made possible by poor management and lack of courage-- again.

Last Wednesday I tried one more time to discuss FL-06 with the DCCC and a strategy to help our new FL-06 candidate, Tim Cunha. I was in DC last Wednesday on business. I called the DCCC to set up a meeting. I spent a very frustrating hour on the phone with Chad Horrell, DCCC Field Director for the Southeast. He could not respond to my comments, questions and recommendations; in other words he was powerless to help.

He referred me to Bret Wask, Political Director. I left voice mail messages with Mr. Wask that had not been returned as of today Sunday. I gave up.

I concur with Amy Little-- by taking the “safe” pathway dictated by an inflexible and non-responsive “Top Down” management philosophy and ignoring the grassroots progressive Democratic movement, the conservative Democratic leadership and the “professionals” at the DCCC have alienated much of their base; they have sowed the seeds of their own destruction.

They do not have a responsive management structure that is even capable of making good business decisions. In other words, the DCCC represents failed top down strategy of “politics as usual."

Unlike successful business people, however, the DCCC does not seem to understand fundamental CORE business concepts-- STRATEGIC PLANNING, EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS and TEAM BUILDING.

The Democratic leadership lost touch in 1994 when Gingrich out maneuvered them by becoming an advocate of change; the Dems didn't only lost lose power just in Congress but also in many states. These states  went "red" because unhappy Democrats and unaffiliated voters saw the management failures and defected en masse to the Republican Party.

A similar situation exists today, except that the split seems to be between conservatives and progressives-- of both major parties.

Republican Governor Charlie Crist of Florida beat Democrat Jim Davis because Crist reinvented himself as a progressive populist on powerful social issues; issues that should have been winning Democratic issues; namely human rights, environmental protection and the interrelationships among economic development, jobs, energy, climate and national security. Jim Davis didn’t have a chance because Charlie Crist created a general perception that there was no significant difference between the candidates or parties on these critical social issues.

A few other Republican governors have recognized that most persuadable voters are hard working fiscal conservatives who have a conscience and are compassionate and reasonable, if not progressive, on social issues.

More importantly, Gov. Crist is now acting to consolidate his base of support by implementing Progressive policies on environment, energy and climate protection.

Why doesn’t the DCCC recognize the reality that persuadable voters are disgusted with “politics as usual” as practiced by the national leadership of both major political parties?

Persuadable voters are embracing progressive positions on human rights, energy, health care, environment, national security and economics.

New Republican leaders like Gov. Crist [and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin] know this and are moving very quickly to take away the Democratic advantage on these issues.

The series of fiascos that has marked the Bush years has given the DCCC the opportunity to defeat every Republican U.S. representative who has been rubberstamping Bush mistakes for the past six years. But instead of working smart to win these seats the DCCC, just like Bush, continues to follow a failed “top down” strategy of “politics as usual” that panders to polls and special interest money rather than biting the bullet, standing up for core American values and beliefs and doing what is in the best interest of the American people and the Nation.

Unfortunately, the DCCC professionals have been brainwashed to think like business people who only look at the short-term situation; apparently the DCCC does not have the capability to adapt to a rapidly changing business environment.

Unlike successful business people, however, the DCCC does not understand three CORE business concepts – STRATEGIC PLANNING, COMMUNICATIONS and investments in PEOPLE and TEAM BUILDING.

The world is changing very quickly and is becoming much more progressive; unfortunately the old guard running the Democratic leadership show still doesn’t get it.

Many Republicans will lose in spite of the DCCC tactics because the average voter is finally starting to understand that the old Republican agenda is too extreme and inflexible; these voters recognize that old guard Republican positions on so many issues is just plain wrong.

But unless the Democratic leadership starts listening to and empowering grassroots leaders and candidates, these wins will turn into losses.

I’ve been watching Sam Adams on HBO... we need a revolution

Progressives need to shake up the DCCC so that they either start investing in candidates and grassroots, not polls, bank account balances and Cook ratings, or they loose us.

At this stage of the game it is time to play hardball. The only action the DCCC might pay attention to would be a massive defection to a political party that has progressive leadership.

At the moment I'm starting to think that the new progressive leaders in the Republican Party have decided to do what is right for the Nation rather than continue to make the same mistakes made by their old guard party hacks.

Rather than bolt to third parties perhaps progressive Democratic should start playing hardball. Perhaps we should start talking about becoming progressive Republicans...?

How would the Democratic leadership and DCCC professional staff respond to a revolution?

Um... imperiously? With disdain? I guess they'd just ignore it until it was too late and then they'd respond with panic and they'd all turn into a hreat big hydra-headed Hillary Clinton, spewing poison in every direction.

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At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure what type of control over the way DWT is displayed in a browser, but on a wide screen monitor like the one I have, the text is narrow and the page is too long. In fact, your posts disappear very quickly after a couple of days.
I was wondering if you could somehow alter the page format such the text area is wider and pages shorter.

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction: The first sentence above should read - 'I am not sure what kind of control you have over the way DWT is displayed in a browser'.


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