Gee, all it took was a little reminder that the residents of AZ-01 are still pissed off that Ken Bennett, then the president of the Arizona state Senate, used his influence to get his son off the hook after 40 incidents of raping young boys with broomsticks and flashlights, and whooooosh... Bennett disappeared from electoral politics again. Well, actually, that isn't exactly accurate. First Bennett tried mounting a defense by likening the rape incidents to-- his own word-- "goosing." And that was the end of the Ken Bennett For Congress campaign.
So even though McCain-- who detests the other Republican who had been favored-- demanded Bennett run, and he told the old curmudgeon that he would, he just declared today-- once again-- that
he's out and not getting back in. Meanwhile, the woman who was the object of McCain's wrath,
Kris Mayes, has also left the field, after McCain demanded that the local GOP not support her. Originally they had looked at her as a godsend who would save them from the aftermath of the Renzi scandal and the prospect of having to run far right extremist Sydney Hay, widely viewed as a lunatic fringe candidate with no real chance of winning.

There is now a clear path to Congress for progressive grassroots candidate Howard Shanker-- unless the Inside the Beltway types can persuade enough Arizonans to vote for their corporate careerist shill, Ann Kirkpatrick, someone who stands for nothing whatsoever (Rahm Emanuel's favorite kind of candidate). This would be a good day to donate to Howard's campaign, right here at the
Blue America Act Blue page. The first 5 people who donate $25 or more today get an autographed copy of
The Truth by Al Franken.
Labels: Arizona, broomsticks, Howard Shanker, Ken Bennett, McCain, Renzi
Go Howard
We finally have a candidate in CD1 who is trustworthy.
many thanks to Howard for running!
Swing State Project said there's a good Democrat running to replace Bush Dog Bud Cramer. His name is Thomas E. Fuller, and he supports things like withdrawal from Iraq and the expansion of SCHIP. See if you can find anything else on him!
Wow! And another one, and another one bites the dust!!!
It is about time the hypocrites stop trying to run things. It is time to turn AZ CD1 Blue, ethical, honest, and just. Howard Shanker is all of these things, even if he is not the anointed one of Rahm Emanuel.
We don't need a blue-dog Democrat here. We need a candidate who will help create sustainable jobs, protect our economy, our WATER, our interests. We don't need someone who said recently that "terrorists are walking across the desert to get in" like Ann Kirkpatrick was quoted to have said at a candidate forum. We need immigration reform that is both humane and sensible. We don't need more prisons like Ann wants. We don't need to be tougher on crime without addressing the causes of crime like poverty, hopelessness, and lack of living wages. Ann wants just to be tough on crime.
We need someone who will work for AZ and the US. We don't need someone with a lackluster record in the AZ legislature. This AZ legislature is the same one which allows AZ to be 49th in spending per pupil for education. Having served in public office does not make someone immediately the candidate of choice. Sometimes we need someone with more than what has been status quo in the AZ State Legislature.
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