Sunday, March 02, 2008



Why do they hate us (click to enlarge)

Actually, before you go any further, I want to express some reservations. The entire DWT staff-- except Adam, who spent the day with his spiritual advisor, John Hagee, as he does every Sunday-- has been debating whether or not to run this piece. First and foremost, the video is so disturbing that I am loathe to test the sensibilities of our readers so rudely. I must warn you that I haven't been able to get the image out of my head-- and keep in mind, I dream of watching certain key members of the Regime being fed to sharks and saltwater crocodiles... trussed up in seal drag. But beyond the disturbing film, there is something else that disturbs me. I have no way of being sure this film is real or who it is or where it is. I trust my source. But does he really know? He wasn't there. I lived in Holland for 4 years and read all the documentation in the original Dutch and it doesn't prove anything conclusive. I asked a competent sound engineer to analyze the film and explain some aspects that bothered me. He convinced me. But, as Ken pointed out, if someone is determined to perpetrate a hoax, it's-- quite literally-- child's play these days. So... judge for yourself (if you choose to subject yourself to it... or just suspend judgment and do what you can to defeat Chris Shays anyway.)

Canine lovers may remember back in December when it came to light that mercenaries from Chris Shays' favorite perfect mercenary firm, Blackwater, shot and killed a guard dog at the NY Times news bureau in Baghdad. Republicans, like Shays, Cheney, and Bush, jumped to Blackwater's defense.

Despite the Iraqi govenment's demands that Blackwater get out of their country, this GOP run mercenary force is still there-- and still causing problems. I would like Bush or Cheney or Shays to defend this video from a Dutch website. Warning: the video is very disturbing:


People are trying to track the puppy-killer down. They may have found him. More as this develops... if it does. Looks like I may have been too hasty in blaming Blackwater. Looks like the guy is a Marine. Oy.

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At 8:07 PM, Blogger SUEB0B said...

Can't watch. But Romney is a known dog torturer (the irish setter on the roof of his car for 12 hours in summer sun at 60 mph) and didn't Huck's kid kill a dog, too?

At 8:17 PM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...

Yes, both of those instances of Republican Cruelty to Animals are covered in the links.

At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huck also starved them apparently by cutting off their food supply eating squirrels.
I BELIEVE this shows some real character and encourage everyone to Pony up another $20 for Hucklebee as it adds to the embarrassment of the larger embarrassment John McCain.

And that was very tame, I totally expected those guys to blow the dog away, those were Republican dog LOVERS just giving flying lessons.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger ordinaryperson said...

If you have the stomach to peer into the Republican psyche, you can watch Jonathan Hoenig explain why it's his right to smash his dog's head against a wall.

(I'm sure you all saw it at Crooks & Liars anyways...)

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psychopaths will always exist, it is logical to assume they might join an army in a war to exercise those tendencies. In civilized society they might end up in jail or serial killing people or abusing children. I think for us to somehow link this evil monster with the war in Iraq simply because this happened in Iraq is immature and short sighted. There have been countless stories of acts of kindness performed on animals in Iraq also. This video is all the world needs to further hate us. This is a license to kill more of our soldiers who are doing what they are told. We must not blame soldiers but leaders, when a military stops following leaders it becomes ineffective. If this happened during WWII the outcome might have been entirely different. We didn't have camera phones back then, imagine what acts of horror we missed seeing. I think this is horrible but pointless, let's tar and feather the bastard and be done with it! - Adam (DWT Art directory and Fox News propaganda monitor)


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