Is it "too gross" of us to talk about this award that DownWithTyranny has won? How about if we throw in an adorable-dog photo? (Click to enlarge)
This was Howie's question, from the other side of the world, as to whether it would be "too gross" of us to toot our own horn. Who knew that DownWithTyranny has an "excessive grossness" standard? (After all, we print pictures of Joe Lieberman all the time. Could anything be grosser than that?)
Anyway, the award comes from Monkeyfister, as one of the 2007 Monkeyfist Awards. Monkeyfister explains:
These awards are given to recognize smaller, unsung bloggers who are giving there all to stop the lies of the Right Wing Machine-- thus the graphic of the fist choking the Flying "Morans!" Monkey in mid-flight. These people are DOING IT-- Locally, on a small scale, within their communities, no budget, and one-on-one. And they are succeeding. This is my way of recognizing them, and their efforts. For every awarded person, I am sure that there are thousands more yet unsung. To them I can only say that I hope your time will come. Let me know of you.
And now for the moment you've been waiting for:
The Bolivar Award (with Populist Cluster)-- To Down With Tyranny for constantly taking the exactly-right stand on every issue to come up, digging deep, delivering excellent in-depth analysis, and clearly stating the view of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Well, er, gosh, thanks, Monkeyfister. Unaccustomed as we are to public speaking,* that's, well, yeah, kind of what we had in mind.
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*Actually, Howie is a highly accomplished and popular public speaker. He just tends to make himself a little crazy by usually not knowing what exactly he's going to say till he's in front of the audience.
Labels: Dot the border collie, Golden Monkeyfist Awards, Monkeyfister
Hot damn! Well-deserved. Congratulations Howie and Ken.
.)I'm not sure how long I've lurked around here. I was pointed to you guys by firedoglake. I've put you on my favorites list and am always delighted to see new posts because I know I'm going to learn something from them.
Even though I don't comment here, I am listening and that line "one on one" resonates. You have helped me decide which candidate truly inspires me. It's Edwards and though I'm worried about the money issue in the general, I'll dig deep in my money and my time to see him elected.
Congrats, guys. You deserve to be better known. (I'll be lurking.)
Welcome to the party my friend.
In my estimation DWT, along with FDL, Tbogg, Kos, Digby, and TPM, are everyday must-reads.
Howie on a rant is beautiful to behold, and Ken is a treasure.
I also couldn't agree more that Edwards is the best hope for progressives (and the country) in this election. He comes close to reminding me of RFK at times.
BTW, we have a pet troll named Al who pops up like a turd in the punchbowl from time to time, but he's relatively harmless and usually slinks away after I give him a slap or two.
You there Al? You're still a dumb fuck.
Woot woo!
'Bout time you noticed!
Cheers to you and everyone at DWT, and a very happy New Year to you.
Righton. "DWT Always takes the right side of an issue". (You might want to shut down and rest on that laurel).
Congrats Howie and Keni!
Thanks for the welcome. :)
The resident troll around here is an Al? I thought all the Al trolls hung out at Drum's place.
You're welcome.
The "Al's" over at Drum's place occasionally make sense. Our Al is a dumb fuck. In fact, he gives dumb fucks a bad name, but I enjoy having him around to slap upside the head when he pops up out of his shitpile.
Feel free to join in when you see him. Its fun.
Hey Al, come say hello to Carolyn you dumb fuck.
Congrats, Howie and Ken! This is well-deserved. I've started reading DWT a lot more often lately and am surprised you don't get more comments from people. I assume you have a ton of lurkers, though.
Come on admit it, DWT has never taken the right side of any issue; always the "left side".
See what I mean Carolyn?
Just type the words "dumb fuck" and Presto Magic! up pops Al the dumb fuck.
Its like a dog whistle. In fact, I'm beginning to think that Al may be the reincarnation of Mitt Romney's poor shit-stained Irish Setter...come back to haunt us all.
Congrats Howie and Ken! You guys truly do a service for all of us.
You better be careful cbear, you mommy might catch you using those dirty words. Like most of us, when you grow up, you will have a more extensive vocabulary and the thrill of using those 4-letter words will wear off.
You you might even learn to have a real discussion of the issues with someone who disagrees with you. Won't that be novel?
Al, as I said in an earlier thread--you forfeited your right to be taken seriously here by continually posting excerpts from National Enquirer articles sliming John Edwards.
What's next from you..."The Dingo ate Huckabee's Baby!"???
I don't engage in substantive discussions with dumb fucks because, well because that would lower me to your level of dumb fuckery. I only respond to your dumb fuck comments because it amuses me.
Its sort of like being at the zoo and watching the little monkeys flinging shit at each other ...every once in a while you throw them a peanut and they just keep on slinging the shit. Poor little wretches.
BTW Al, did I forget to mention that you are one dumb fuck?
cbear. Dumb Fuck. 3rd time is the charm of not sending this one.
The only thing sillier than feeding a troll who is not generally obscene (my troll definition) is being obscene feeding a troll. YOU shut the fuck up and quit feeding the troll who may not be a troll. I like different points of view if they are not obscene.
I may be missing some editing and deleting here (in fact I think I have been edited) , but what are YOU adding to the conversation by feeding the alleged troll?
My goodness, I just came back and saw all the comments posted--thanks to all for your kind words. I guess it's even a mark of SOMETHING that we've got our own troll.
Of course Howie does most of the heavy lifting around this joint, but I'm happy to share the neat comments. Thanks, folks!
Gee bil, I'm quite offended by your use of obscenities in decrying my obscenity-laden comments.
Your compelling logic has forced me to leave the field of battle and cede the war to you and Al. Perhaps you and d--b f--k Al can celebrate your victory over the forces of evil and foulness by donning a couple of wetsuits (each) and grappling in the maner of the ancient Spartans. (h/t to the General)
I'm definitely a sucker for border collies. Post more photos, and news, about Dot and I'll be sure to stop by more frequently.
I've found many of the so-called liberal blogs disappointing and alienating (like the Democratic Party, which too many of them shill for). My tastes run more to A Tiny Revolution, Dennis Perrin, Barry Crimmins, Arthur Silber, The Distant Ocean (John Caruso), Who Is IOZ, Left I, WIIIAI, and similar (I really miss Billmon). But I've enjoyed reading DWT's takedowns of the Rahmocrats. You do some good work here.
Please, tell us more about Dot!
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