Saturday, September 15, 2007



I can't remember all the times I've moaned about how I expected Hillary to win the Democratic nomination which, in 2008, is tantamount to winning the presidency-- since the winner of all Republicans polls, "None of the Above," won't be on the ballot. She's got a really bad bunch around her-- not as bad as Bush's bunch, but really bad. And, as difficult as it may seem that there could be a worse Secretary of State than the two wimps Bush appointed, Joe Biden would probably overcome all obstacles to that-- and really fast.

So when Hillary's campaign announced the Wes Clark endorsement today, I was pretty happy. He's probably be a decent Secretary of State. Here's what he had to say about why he's proud to endorse her. Everyone I know thinks this is an indication Clark is high on the VP list. Maybe he is. But I suspect that that slot's going to Iowa's ex-Governor Vilsack.

But the Clark endorsement wasn't even the highlight of Hillary's day-- at least not for me. For me it was when Hillary shredded Giuliani into pulp and showed him what can expect when he tries running his lies. Giuliani, a natural born demagogue to begin with, tried tarring Hillary with the MoveOn ad, which, alas, she had exactly as much to do with as he did (nothing).
"It's hardly surprising that Mayor Giuliani is running the first negative ad of the '08 campaign, given his inability to justify his unqualified support for President Bush's failed Iraq strategy."

Giuliani's move comes as Fred Thompson is eroding the ex-mayor's lead in the race. This could be Giuliani's way of seizing the momentum again.

"He'd love nothing more than for her or members of her campaign to respond in an agitated way to what is clearly at best a very dubious linkage between what Moveon does and what Hillary Clinton says," said David Birdsell, professor at Baruch College.

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At 10:28 PM, Blogger N said...

I think Vilsack will be Hillary's VP only if he helps her win Iowa.

But even if he does help her do that, he really adds nothing to the ticket (Iowa is trending blue anyway, and whoever the Dem nominee is should take it).

Plus, Hillary is all politics and no loyalty. He could help her win Iowa, and she would turn around and stab him in the back and pick someone else to be her running mate (Ohio Gov. Strickland?)

The best Vilsack can hope for, I think is Secretary of Agriculture.


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