
Wrong guy
The Bush Regime has been working overtime to make there point this week that the war must go on. They had Petraeus lying his ass off in front on Congress; they've got all the regular suspects out working the media; they've got Bush going on TV tonight to spew all their pernicious talking points. I suspect Bush's points, though, won't be anything like Bob Sheer's.
Of course Gen. David Petraeus predicts success in the Iraq war. What wonders couldn’t generals achieve with more troops and more time? The battle is always going well until it is lost, and then they blame defeat on the politicians and the public.
There’s no shortage of retired generals who will tell you we could have won in Vietnam if only we had sent more troops, or bombed the dikes in the North, or been willing to kill more than the 3.4 million Vietnamese who died along with 59,000 American soldiers. Instead, the politicians and public, led by that bleeding heart President Richard Nixon, lost the will to win. Thus, the dominoes fell to communism, and Red China and Red Vietnam now rule the world by dint of military force. Have you been to Wal-Mart lately? The triumph of communism is total.
But arming the Sunnis and fomenting more civil war and arming and training people who, like Osama bin-Laden in the Russian's Afghan War, will be likely to turn those weapons on us one day, is Bush's only answer to a complex problem of his own creation, a problem he's incapable of comprehending outside of its consequences to his ego.
This morning the media is reporting that his main Sunni sheik, Abdul Sattar Buzaigh al-Rishawi, was killed today.
The Sunni leader, Abdul Sattar Buzaigh al-Rishawi, who met and shook hands with Mr. Bush during his visit to a military base in the province last week, led the Anbar Salvation Council, an alliance of clans supporting the Iraqi government and American forces. Initial reports suggested he was killed either by a bomb in his car or by a roadside bomb close to his car near his home in Ramadi in Anbar Province, the sprawling region west of Baghdad.
The illusory and very temporary "progress" in Anbar is all Petraeus and the Republicans use to "prove" the success of their escalation policies. "It could be a significant setback for American efforts to work more closely with local tribes against Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Recently the council had begun to reach out to other tribes to bring them into closer cooperation with the American and Iraqi government, and had met recently with southern Shiite leaders."
Not likely to stop one surge though-- the surge of propaganda directed at the American people by the Bush Regime. Even a tool like Joe Biden says he's had enough. (Although he intends to vote to fund the continuing escalation.) We'll have more after Bush's address. Keep this in mind, though, while you listen to him:
Labels: Iraq War, Petraeus, venality of Bush
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