Wednesday, July 11, 2007



If 9/11 stops working for him, he can always say "Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary"

As we've mentioned once or twice before, no one has been able to cash in-- financially-- on the 9/11 tragedy the way Rudy Giuliani has. With a gaggle of crooked cronies-- including a child molesting priest he protects-- he sells "expertise" to companies looking to cover their asses. If something goes wrong, they can always say "But we hired Giuliani Partners as consultants and everyone knows they're the best." Well, "everyone" may say that but, truth be told, a thorough examination of Giuliani's 9/11 experience would cause any rational person to come to the very opposite conclusion.

Today BraveNewFilms released a video at the behest of the International Association of Fire Fighters, Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York, IAFF Local 94. This union doesn't seem too impressed with the guy who never gets shy (or embarrassed) of portraying himself as the Man Who Saved NY From the Arab Hordes. South Carolina Republican primary voters may buy that. In NYC they don't-- and especially not among the front line troops that did all the work.

Short version: Giuliani bungled preparations for years after the 1993 attack on World Trade Center; he was as Pollyanna and incompetent as Bush. And critical failures of leadership-- his self-proclaimed strong card-- before, during and after the attacks on 9/11 "raise serious questions about his ability to be commander-in-chief."

And if the judgment of the firefighters doesn't make you want to gag when you see consider the possibility of Giuliani becoming president, keep in mind that he just appointed another in a long line of doozies, right up their with Ravenel, Kerik, the child molesting priest, Vitter. This morning he announced, with a straight face, that Norman Podhoretz, one of the founders and leading lights of the Neocon movement, will be on his Senior Foreign Policy Board. Like Lieberman, Podhoretz doesn't think the war in Iraq is nearly enough war and he advocates bombing Iran. Is every single person Giuliani appoints to anything a disaster?

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