Saturday, June 02, 2007



Bush is prone to take this charade seriously because if it can be proven that Doan did violate the Hatch Act, which she clearly did, Bush's Brain will finally wind up in prison. Henry Waxman is less likely to listen to the GOP talking points.

Today's Washington Post glosses over the embarrassing report from high-powered Republican lawyer Michael J. Nardotti Jr. Marcy, on the other hand, has a serious analysis of how Doan and the Bush Regime are trying to get away with this crap.

The Republican shyster who can't seriously defend Doan's criminal behavior based on facts, demands the "allegations" be rejected because they are based on "tenuous inferences and careless leaps of logic." He doesn't mention the roomful of witnesses to her asking the question, how can we "help our candidates," after Rove's slide show about targeting Democrats and bolstering Republicans that she had her GSA staff attend, itself clearly illegal. "Several political appointees who participated in the presentation told the special counsel under oath that Doan asked that question or a version of it and that some GSA political appointees responded with ideas of how the agency could use its facilities to benefit the Republican Party." Last month Bush's Office of Special Counsel had to admit that Doan violated the Hatch Act.

Marcy is less wishy-washy than the Post, which is why reading The Next Hurrah is more enlightening than reading the Post.
Lurita Doan's lawyer, Michael Nardotti, has responded to the OSC report condemning Doan's politicization of the GSA. It's one of those reports that read like a lawyer threw a bunch of stuff at the wall in the hopes that some of it will stick: he blames Henry Waxman for tainting OSC's witnesses, he shifts the focus away from Doan's description of employees as inferior toward one claiming bias, and he claims that, when Doan asked "how can GSA help our candidates?" she addressed it exclusively to Scott Jennings, not any of her subordinates.

Marcy gets into all the details the Libby case has made her famous for. If you want to see all the twists and turns and dark little corners in this case that the Post will never get near-- let alone comprehend-- take a look at the Next Hurrah today.

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